- Sunday, March 2nd
In-person attendance is open without registration. Masks are no longer required.
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to IMC, you can do so at
IMC's donation page
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We are offering IMC's usual Sunday morning sit and talk live, on YouTube and on IMC's website.. The meditation starts at 9:25 and the 30-45-minute talk starts at 10:00
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Build and maintain community by connecting online with other IMC sangha members to discuss the Sunday dharma talk and share about our Buddhist practices. Please join us on Zoom each Sunday following the dharma talk at approximately 10:45 am for about 45 minutes for breakout rooms and/or large group discussions. Facilitated by Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, IMC sangha members.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84009542053?pwd=V09IOXJhOHZ2TnovMGpiK2s3V243Zz09Meeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: Sangha
One tap mobile+16699009128,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US
Dial-in accessMeeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: 571074
Find your local number:
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(for K through 2nd Graders and their parents)
First Sunday of the month, 11:15 am – 12:15 pm
in-person at IMCMeditation and mindfulness practice through stories, songs, art, movement, and games. Parents participate with their children. Contact Hilary at
IMC.familyprogram@gmail.com or 650-575-2052 for more information and to RSVP.
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This is an optional Zoom-only drop-in discussion meeting for those registred for the Eightfold Path program. Especially intended for those without private mentoring.
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Group discussion and study exploring Buddhist practices and principles in Recovery from all forms of addiction. The format includes a 15-20 minute period of sitting meditation, a talk or reading on Dharma and recovery followed by an open discussion on your experience in recovery. Everyone is welcome.
Ours is a peer-led support group, facilitated by a rotating group of volunteers. For more information or to receive weekly email notifications contact: Stan Loll,
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87190223659?pwd=e1FnfyI5tb9YNkYW8pfYjddCGvPZYJ.1
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: metta
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
+14086380968,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: 926810
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*this is an interactive Zoom event with cameras on*
Sunday evenings, 7:30 to 9pm. (except the 2nd Sunday of the month). This weekly group addresses themes relevant to people in their 20s and 30s and includes guided meditation, a brief dharma talk, and group discussion. We have a friendly and vibrant ongoing community, and those in their 20s/30s are welcome to join us.
Max Erdstein's biography
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- Monday, March 3rd
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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Please join us as we meditate together then hear and discuss a dharma talk.
30 min silent meditation
30 min dharma talk
15 min Q&A
Offered in-person and broadcast live on YouTube.
The link for watching on our YouTube channel is here(If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to the center, you can visit IMC's donation page
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- Tuesday, March 4th
Join us for a 35 minute lightly guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and practice questions & discussion. The meditation instructions include the four foundations of mindfulness, emphasizing embodied receptive awareness, mind states, and mental activity. Our teachings draw on many of the Buddha’s teachings, and include the approach of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
NOTE: This group is using a new Zoom link starting March 4, 2025, given here:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86100257262?pwd=30xIUJHZ0bC1JnRt6t44pAfXLd3AWQ.1Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Passcode: Aware
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or IMC, you can do so on the donations page of the IMC website: www.
insightmeditationcenter.org/donate/. Dial in
Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Find your local number:
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Wednesday, March 5th
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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- 9:30 – 10:15 am Sitting
- 10:15 – 11:00 am Walking
- 11:00 – 11:45 am Sitting
- 11:45 – 12:00 pm Dharmette (Brief talk)
- 12:00 – 12:15 pm Temple cleaning
- 12:15 – Informal Lunch Gathering (bring bag lunch)
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Five Wednesday Evenings, Feb 5 – March 6, 2025
In-person at IMC
Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is also a spiritual path that gradually dissolves the barriers to the full development of our wisdom and compassion.
During this introductory course, the basic instructions in insight meditation will be given sequentially, starting with a focus on mindfulness of breathing, followed by mindfulness of the body, of emotions, of thoughts, of mind and of the application of mindfulness in daily life and on retreats. No pre-registration necessary.
Gil Fronsdal's biography
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- Thursday, March 6th
Each session uses a variety of asanas (poses) to focus and calm the mind, enhance breath and overall awareness, and develop flexibility, balance and strength. Beginners are always welcome. The class is a mixed level and everyone is encouraged to work in accordance with their own needs and abilities. Bring a large towel and sticky mat, if you have one.
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A gathering for self-identified women who wish to deepen practice in a loving community, as we learn to weave mindfulness throughout our daily lives. For more information and to receive the zoom link, please contact Hilary at
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Meetings include brief sittings and consideration of pertinent Dharma topics; the primary purpose of each group is to provide each participant an opportunity to share personal challenges, triumphs, hopes, and fears with individuals facing a similar situation.
At least four days before attending the group for the first time, please contact Ying Chen at
imcsg22@gmail.com for more info and for Zoom link
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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Location: In-person at IMC
Theme: TBA
Join us on Thursdays as we explore various Dharma topics together. The format of Dharma Practice Thursday includes a lightly guided meditation, a short dharma talk that is followed by both larger and smaller group dharma discussions where we are encouraged to engage with the teachings in a way that brings us closer to the dharma and the sangha. Suitable for beginners and experienced beginners (i.e., anyone with an ongoing meditation practice, no matter how long).
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- Friday, March 7th
Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion & Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Saturday, March 8th
in-person at IMC only
Offered by:
Kim AllenThe body is a rich resource for mindfulness practice, continually opening and deepening as we explore it. On this day of practice, we will explore practices based in Buddhist teachings that help us connect to the body, experience it freshly, and invite liberating wisdom and compassion to emerge.
This silent daylong is appropriate for beginners and those with more experience. It includes sitting, walking, instructions, a Dharma talk, and optional sign-up practice discussions. Registration is not required. Please bring lunch.
The program is offered freely. If you'd like to donate to the teacher or the center, you can visit IMC's donation page
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- Sunday, March 9th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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In-person attendance is open without registration. Masks are no longer required.
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to IMC, you can do so at
IMC's donation page
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We are offering IMC's usual Sunday morning sit and talk live, on YouTube and on IMC's website.. The meditation starts at 9:25 and the 30-45-minute talk starts at 10:00
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Join us for an informal tea with light refreshments on the Second Sunday of each month, following the regular Sunday morning program. Everyone is welcome to this opportunity to meet new friends and connect with old friends.
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Build and maintain community by connecting online with other IMC sangha members to discuss the Sunday dharma talk and share about our Buddhist practices. Please join us on Zoom each Sunday following the dharma talk at approximately 10:45 am for about 45 minutes for breakout rooms and/or large group discussions. Facilitated by Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, IMC sangha members.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84009542053?pwd=V09IOXJhOHZ2TnovMGpiK2s3V243Zz09Meeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: Sangha
One tap mobile+16699009128,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US
Dial-in accessMeeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: 571074
Find your local number:
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Registration required, the registration and Mentor application form will appear here, scroll down in early July 2024
The Buddha’s most explicit path of practice is the Eightfold Path— a set of eight practical approaches to bring Buddhist practice into the width and depth of our lives. The Eightfold Path Program is an introduction to each of the Eightfold factors so participants will discover how to apply each set of practices in ways that are personally meaningful.
Pre-requisite: completion of IMC’s Introduction to Meditation course or the equivalent.
The in-person and online versions of the program will occur parallel at the same time. Participants can attend either version throughout the program. After registering, you will receive Zoom links and course materials by email. A longer application is required to be assigned a mentor in addition to the group meetings. Mentoring slots may fill early.
2024-245Team teaching includes Tanya Wiser, Chris Clifford, Liz Powell and others.
The program has the following elements:
- 2-1/2 hour monthly meetings that include teachings, meditation, and discussions.
- Readings, reflections, and practices for each month.
- A monthly one-hour personal meeting with an Eightfold Path mentor (if you apply for this) to discuss one’s practice and reflections on the Eightfold Path factors.
- Four optional drop-in Discussion/Q&A sessions for anyone, but especially for those with no personal mentor.
- Ends with a one-day Eightfold Path retreat on Zoom and perhaps in-person.
Contact eightfoldpath@insightmeditationcenter.org with questions.
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Zoom link Meeting ID: 898 8792 7912
Password: 925962
This dharma circle includes sitting meditation, a short dharma talk, discussion and community activities. We intend to provide a safe, friendly, and nourishing environment. Open to all self-identified people of Asian or South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian and Pacific Islander background. No registration required. For more information contact
Lilu Chen's Biography and
Ying Chen's Biography
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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Second Sunday of the Month, 5:30 – 7:00 pmon ZoomThis is a joint meeting of Dharma Bodhis (6-8th graders) and Mindful Teens.Please contact Hilary at
imc.familyprogram@gmail.com for the Zoom link. You can find more information on the Mindful Teens and Dharma Bodhis programs on the I
MC website.
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Group discussion and study exploring Buddhist practices and principles in Recovery from all forms of addiction. The format includes a 15-20 minute period of sitting meditation, a talk or reading on Dharma and recovery followed by an open discussion on your experience in recovery. Everyone is welcome.
Ours is a peer-led support group, facilitated by a rotating group of volunteers. For more information or to receive weekly email notifications contact: Stan Loll,
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87190223659?pwd=e1FnfyI5tb9YNkYW8pfYjddCGvPZYJ.1
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: metta
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
+14086380968,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: 926810
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- Monday, March 10th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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Please join us as we meditate together then hear and discuss a dharma talk.
30 min silent meditation
30 min dharma talk
15 min Q&A
Offered in-person and broadcast live on YouTube.
The link for watching on our YouTube channel is here(If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to the center, you can visit IMC's donation page
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- Tuesday, March 11th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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Join us for a 35 minute lightly guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and practice questions & discussion. The meditation instructions include the four foundations of mindfulness, emphasizing embodied receptive awareness, mind states, and mental activity. Our teachings draw on many of the Buddha’s teachings, and include the approach of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
NOTE: This group is using a new Zoom link starting March 4, 2025, given here:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86100257262?pwd=30xIUJHZ0bC1JnRt6t44pAfXLd3AWQ.1Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Passcode: Aware
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or IMC, you can do so on the donations page of the IMC website: www.
insightmeditationcenter.org/donate/. Dial in
Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Find your local number:
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Wednesday, March 12th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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- 9:30 – 10:15 am Sitting
- 10:15 – 11:00 am Walking
- 11:00 – 11:45 am Sitting
- 11:45 – 12:00 pm Dharmette (Brief talk)
- 12:00 – 12:15 pm Temple cleaning
- 12:15 – Informal Lunch Gathering (bring bag lunch)
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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- Thursday, March 13th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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Each session uses a variety of asanas (poses) to focus and calm the mind, enhance breath and overall awareness, and develop flexibility, balance and strength. Beginners are always welcome. The class is a mixed level and everyone is encouraged to work in accordance with their own needs and abilities. Bring a large towel and sticky mat, if you have one.
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A gathering for self-identified women who wish to deepen practice in a loving community, as we learn to weave mindfulness throughout our daily lives. For more information and to receive the zoom link, please contact Hilary at
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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Location: In-person at IMC
Theme: TBA
Join us on Thursdays as we explore various Dharma topics together. The format of Dharma Practice Thursday includes a lightly guided meditation, a short dharma talk that is followed by both larger and smaller group dharma discussions where we are encouraged to engage with the teachings in a way that brings us closer to the dharma and the sangha. Suitable for beginners and experienced beginners (i.e., anyone with an ongoing meditation practice, no matter how long).
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- Friday, March 14th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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Let's meet in the Edgewood Park parking lot at 11am for a 3+ mile hike.
What: We will celebrate this celestial event walking through local ecosystems with some periods of silence bringing our awareness to the present, paying attention to our senses. There will be a time of sitting with a ritual and a gathering together.
Join: Kristen Benson, an Eco Buddhist Chaplain through Sati center. A chaplain of the spiritual connection of people and the land/earth, who loves the earth and all that she blesses us with.
What to bring: Walking shoes, water, layers of clothing, snacks, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses.
Questions: There is no need to RSVP, but if you have questions, please contact Kristen Benson
kristenbensonart@gmail.com. 650-483-6838
There will be a liability form that can be signed at the parking lot.
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion & Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Saturday, March 15th
Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format)
Taught by Andrea Fella assisted by Dawn Neal
Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
March 9-15, 2025 with two online sessions daily 7:00am – 9:00am; 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration is required: To register fill out this Registration Form. For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.
During this weeklong online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.For more details about the retreat, see the
Non-residential Retreat Event PageFor further information about Andrea:
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This event is part of a weeklong online retreat, from 3/9/25 - 3/15/25. Registration is required.
For more details about the retreat, see
Non-Residential Retreat Events During this week-long online retreat we will explore a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one's experience. Such an open awareness practice supports both the formal meditation of sitting and walking, as well as awareness of our normal daily activities. The emphasis for this week will be exploring integrating awareness into our whole day and all activities.
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- Sunday, March 16th
In-person attendance is open without registration. Masks are no longer required.
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to IMC, you can do so at
IMC's donation page
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We are offering IMC's usual Sunday morning sit and talk live, on YouTube and on IMC's website.. The meditation starts at 9:25 and the 30-45-minute talk starts at 10:00
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Build and maintain community by connecting online with other IMC sangha members to discuss the Sunday dharma talk and share about our Buddhist practices. Please join us on Zoom each Sunday following the dharma talk at approximately 10:45 am for about 45 minutes for breakout rooms and/or large group discussions. Facilitated by Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, IMC sangha members.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84009542053?pwd=V09IOXJhOHZ2TnovMGpiK2s3V243Zz09Meeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: Sangha
One tap mobile+16699009128,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US
Dial-in accessMeeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: 571074
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Third Sunday of the month —
no meeting in DecemberOctober 2024 – June, 2025: 11:15am – 12:45pm
In-person only, in the IMC meditation hall
This year’s theme is Parenting and the Ten Paramis.
Topic: Patience
Parents are invited to practice together in a warm and caring community, supporting each other as we raise thriving children of all ages—infancy through adulthood. Meetings will include meditation, mindful speech and listening, and have plenty of time for sharing.
You may attend all or any part of the series. No registration is necessary. Contact Melody Baumgartner at
melodybaumgartner@gmail.com for more information.
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Third Sunday of the Month from 5:00 pm to 6:15 pmin-person at IMC
Meditation and mindfulness practice through games, stories, and art. Vegetarian pizza will be provided. Parents/guardians can either drop off and pick up their kids, or wait at IMC.
We ask participants to sign up at least two days before the event.For more information, please email
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A zoom meeting on the third Sunday of every month (the meeting link will be sent via email).
The IMC LGBTQueer Sangha is open to all who self-identify as LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and two spirited) or genderqueer or inquiring. This gathering is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners within our LGBTQIA2S+ community.
Please contact
imcqueersangha@gmail.com if you wish to join us online and be added to our email list. A separate message will be sent to you with the Zoom link.
Our sangha is peer facilitated with guiding teacher
Tanya Wiser.
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Group discussion and study exploring Buddhist practices and principles in Recovery from all forms of addiction. The format includes a 15-20 minute period of sitting meditation, a talk or reading on Dharma and recovery followed by an open discussion on your experience in recovery. Everyone is welcome.
Ours is a peer-led support group, facilitated by a rotating group of volunteers. For more information or to receive weekly email notifications contact: Stan Loll,
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87190223659?pwd=e1FnfyI5tb9YNkYW8pfYjddCGvPZYJ.1
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: metta
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
+14086380968,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: 926810
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*this is an interactive Zoom event with cameras on*
Sunday evenings, 7:30 to 9pm. (except the 2nd Sunday of the month). This weekly group addresses themes relevant to people in their 20s and 30s and includes guided meditation, a brief dharma talk, and group discussion. We have a friendly and vibrant ongoing community, and those in their 20s/30s are welcome to join us.
Max Erdstein's biography
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- Monday, March 17th
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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Please join us as we meditate together then hear and discuss a dharma talk.
30 min silent meditation
30 min dharma talk
15 min Q&A
Offered in-person and broadcast live on YouTube.
The link for watching on our YouTube channel is here(If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to the center, you can visit IMC's donation page
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- Tuesday, March 18th
Join us for a 35 minute lightly guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and practice questions & discussion. The meditation instructions include the four foundations of mindfulness, emphasizing embodied receptive awareness, mind states, and mental activity. Our teachings draw on many of the Buddha’s teachings, and include the approach of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
NOTE: This group is using a new Zoom link starting March 4, 2025, given here:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86100257262?pwd=30xIUJHZ0bC1JnRt6t44pAfXLd3AWQ.1Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Passcode: Aware
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or IMC, you can do so on the donations page of the IMC website: www.
insightmeditationcenter.org/donate/. Dial in
Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Find your local number:
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Wednesday, March 19th
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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- 9:30 – 10:15 am Sitting
- 10:15 – 11:00 am Walking
- 11:00 – 11:45 am Sitting
- 11:45 – 12:00 pm Dharmette (Brief talk)
- 12:00 – 12:15 pm Temple cleaning
- 12:15 – Informal Lunch Gathering (bring bag lunch)
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- Thursday, March 20th
Each session uses a variety of asanas (poses) to focus and calm the mind, enhance breath and overall awareness, and develop flexibility, balance and strength. Beginners are always welcome. The class is a mixed level and everyone is encouraged to work in accordance with their own needs and abilities. Bring a large towel and sticky mat, if you have one.
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Please fill out this short form to be added to the email list for class materials and announcements and class Zoom links:
formUsually on the 3rd Thursdays of the month from 11am to 1pm
Suzuki Roshi was asked, "Why do you practice?" He laughed and said, "To enjoy my old age." Please join us as we create a dharma based community of IMC seniors of all ages. Everyone is welcome. We will cultivate enjoying our journey through the vicissitudes and blessings of aging with kindness and wisdom practices. There will be guided meditations, talks, and discussion on topics that support aging with ease and contentment.
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A gathering for self-identified women who wish to deepen practice in a loving community, as we learn to weave mindfulness throughout our daily lives. For more information and to receive the zoom link, please contact Hilary at
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Meetings include brief sittings and consideration of pertinent Dharma topics; the primary purpose of each group is to provide each participant an opportunity to share personal challenges, triumphs, hopes, and fears with individuals facing a similar situation.
At least four days before attending the group for the first time, please contact Ying Chen at
imcsg22@gmail.com for more info and for Zoom link
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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Location: In-person at IMC
Theme: TBA
Join us on Thursdays as we explore various Dharma topics together. The format of Dharma Practice Thursday includes a lightly guided meditation, a short dharma talk that is followed by both larger and smaller group dharma discussions where we are encouraged to engage with the teachings in a way that brings us closer to the dharma and the sangha. Suitable for beginners and experienced beginners (i.e., anyone with an ongoing meditation practice, no matter how long).
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- Friday, March 21st
Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion & Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Saturday, March 22nd
In-person only at IMC
Offered by:
Diana ClarkBoth meditation and poetry can help us step away from the immediate demands of our lives to enter our hearts and minds in a deeper, fuller way. This silent daylong meditation retreat will introduce poems as a support for meditation. The daylong will include poetry readings, silent sitting and walking meditation periods and short talks. It is expected that participants will already have some mindfulness meditation experience. Please bring a brown bag lunch.
The program is offered freely, with no registration needed. If you'd like to donate to the teacher or the center, you can visit IMC's donation page here
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- Sunday, March 23rd
In-person attendance is open without registration. Masks are no longer required.
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to IMC, you can do so at
IMC's donation page
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We are offering IMC's usual Sunday morning sit and talk live, on YouTube and on IMC's website.. The meditation starts at 9:25 and the 30-45-minute talk starts at 10:00
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Build and maintain community by connecting online with other IMC sangha members to discuss the Sunday dharma talk and share about our Buddhist practices. Please join us on Zoom each Sunday following the dharma talk at approximately 10:45 am for about 45 minutes for breakout rooms and/or large group discussions. Facilitated by Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, IMC sangha members.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84009542053?pwd=V09IOXJhOHZ2TnovMGpiK2s3V243Zz09Meeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: Sangha
One tap mobile+16699009128,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US
Dial-in accessMeeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: 571074
Find your local number:
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Zoom link Meeting ID: 898 8792 7912
Password: 925962
This dharma circle includes sitting meditation, a short dharma talk, discussion and community activities. We intend to provide a safe, friendly, and nourishing environment. Open to all self-identified people of Asian or South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian and Pacific Islander background. No registration required. For more information contact
Lilu Chen's Biography and
Ying Chen's Biography
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Group discussion and study exploring Buddhist practices and principles in Recovery from all forms of addiction. The format includes a 15-20 minute period of sitting meditation, a talk or reading on Dharma and recovery followed by an open discussion on your experience in recovery. Everyone is welcome.
Ours is a peer-led support group, facilitated by a rotating group of volunteers. For more information or to receive weekly email notifications contact: Stan Loll,
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87190223659?pwd=e1FnfyI5tb9YNkYW8pfYjddCGvPZYJ.1
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: metta
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
+14086380968,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: 926810
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*this is an interactive Zoom event with cameras on*
Sunday evenings, 7:30 to 9pm. (except the 2nd Sunday of the month). This weekly group addresses themes relevant to people in their 20s and 30s and includes guided meditation, a brief dharma talk, and group discussion. We have a friendly and vibrant ongoing community, and those in their 20s/30s are welcome to join us.
Max Erdstein's biography
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- Monday, March 24th
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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Please join us as we meditate together then hear and discuss a dharma talk.
30 min silent meditation
30 min dharma talk
15 min Q&A
Offered in-person and broadcast live on YouTube.
The link for watching on our YouTube channel is here(If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to the center, you can visit IMC's donation page
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- Tuesday, March 25th
Join us for a 35 minute lightly guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and practice questions & discussion. The meditation instructions include the four foundations of mindfulness, emphasizing embodied receptive awareness, mind states, and mental activity. Our teachings draw on many of the Buddha’s teachings, and include the approach of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
NOTE: This group is using a new Zoom link starting March 4, 2025, given here:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86100257262?pwd=30xIUJHZ0bC1JnRt6t44pAfXLd3AWQ.1Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Passcode: Aware
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or IMC, you can do so on the donations page of the IMC website: www.
insightmeditationcenter.org/donate/. Dial in
Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Find your local number:
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Wednesday, March 26th
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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- 9:30 – 10:15 am Sitting
- 10:15 – 11:00 am Walking
- 11:00 – 11:45 am Sitting
- 11:45 – 12:00 pm Dharmette (Brief talk)
- 12:00 – 12:15 pm Temple cleaning
- 12:15 – Informal Lunch Gathering (bring bag lunch)
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- Thursday, March 27th
Each session uses a variety of asanas (poses) to focus and calm the mind, enhance breath and overall awareness, and develop flexibility, balance and strength. Beginners are always welcome. The class is a mixed level and everyone is encouraged to work in accordance with their own needs and abilities. Bring a large towel and sticky mat, if you have one.
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A gathering for self-identified women who wish to deepen practice in a loving community, as we learn to weave mindfulness throughout our daily lives. For more information and to receive the zoom link, please contact Hilary at
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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Location: In-person at IMC
Theme: TBA
Join us on Thursdays as we explore various Dharma topics together. The format of Dharma Practice Thursday includes a lightly guided meditation, a short dharma talk that is followed by both larger and smaller group dharma discussions where we are encouraged to engage with the teachings in a way that brings us closer to the dharma and the sangha. Suitable for beginners and experienced beginners (i.e., anyone with an ongoing meditation practice, no matter how long).
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- Friday, March 28th
Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion & Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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- Saturday, March 29th
On ZoomEarth Care meetings focus on a set of diverse topics relating to the right actions we can take to mitigate climate change. Meetings will usually have a speaker who will be educating and contributing to topics on climate change and meaningful actions we can take. Sessions include a brief meditation, a presentation and group discussion.
If you have any questions, please contact the Earth Care group at
EarthCare.Dharma@gmail.comJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89645479739?pwd=cG50SmViQ1hpaEFTSzdWNUY0Ky9PZz09Meeting ID: 896 4547 9739
Passcode: 786010
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,89645479739#,,,,*786010# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,89645479739#,,,,*786010# US
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- Sunday, March 30th
In-person attendance is open without registration. Masks are no longer required.
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to IMC, you can do so at
IMC's donation page
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We are offering IMC's usual Sunday morning sit and talk live, on YouTube and on IMC's website.. The meditation starts at 9:25 and the 30-45-minute talk starts at 10:00
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Build and maintain community by connecting online with other IMC sangha members to discuss the Sunday dharma talk and share about our Buddhist practices. Please join us on Zoom each Sunday following the dharma talk at approximately 10:45 am for about 45 minutes for breakout rooms and/or large group discussions. Facilitated by Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, IMC sangha members.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84009542053?pwd=V09IOXJhOHZ2TnovMGpiK2s3V243Zz09Meeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: Sangha
One tap mobile+16699009128,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,84009542053#,,,,*571074# US
Dial-in accessMeeting ID: 840 0954 2053
Passcode: 571074
Find your local number:
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The last Sunday of each month, our community comes together immediately following the Sunday Dharma Talk for a potluck meal. All are welcome. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. If you are not able to bring food, you are still welcome to stay and have some food. Please direct questions to:
imc.volunteerdirector@gmail.com and Jill will happily respond for the PotLuck Group.
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Group discussion and study exploring Buddhist practices and principles in Recovery from all forms of addiction. The format includes a 15-20 minute period of sitting meditation, a talk or reading on Dharma and recovery followed by an open discussion on your experience in recovery. Everyone is welcome.
Ours is a peer-led support group, facilitated by a rotating group of volunteers. For more information or to receive weekly email notifications contact: Stan Loll,
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87190223659?pwd=e1FnfyI5tb9YNkYW8pfYjddCGvPZYJ.1
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: metta
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
+14086380968,,87190223659#,,,,*926810# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 871 9022 3659
Passcode: 926810
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*this is an interactive Zoom event with cameras on*
Sunday evenings, 7:30 to 9pm. (except the 2nd Sunday of the month). This weekly group addresses themes relevant to people in their 20s and 30s and includes guided meditation, a brief dharma talk, and group discussion. We have a friendly and vibrant ongoing community, and those in their 20s/30s are welcome to join us.
Max Erdstein's biography
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- Monday, March 31st
In-person at IMC
45-minute introduction to IMC and the basic meditation practice taught at IMC.
All are welcome. Registration not needed.
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Please join us as we meditate together then hear and discuss a dharma talk.
30 min silent meditation
30 min dharma talk
15 min Q&A
Offered in-person and broadcast live on YouTube.
The link for watching on our YouTube channel is here(If you'd like to donate to the teacher or to the center, you can visit IMC's donation page
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- Tuesday, April 1st
Join us for a 35 minute lightly guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and practice questions & discussion. The meditation instructions include the four foundations of mindfulness, emphasizing embodied receptive awareness, mind states, and mental activity. Our teachings draw on many of the Buddha’s teachings, and include the approach of Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
NOTE: This group is using a new Zoom link starting March 4, 2025, given here:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86100257262?pwd=30xIUJHZ0bC1JnRt6t44pAfXLd3AWQ.1Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Passcode: Aware
If you'd like to donate to the teacher or IMC, you can do so on the donations page of the IMC website: www.
insightmeditationcenter.org/donate/. Dial in
Meeting ID: 861 0025 7262
Find your local number:
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On Zoom: Join us for an hour of gladdening the mind! We will explore gentle and gradual cultivation of heart practices, which are both supportive for mindfulness and transformative in their own right. Format: 5-10 min intro, 30-minute guided meditation, small-group practice, and discussion and Q/A.
Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92006340224?pwd=U3dZZVVLWVpaeWtGWHQ5eGg1Lzc0UT09Meeting ID: 920 0634 0224; Passcode: metta
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92006340224# US (San Jose)
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We welcome people of all cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds,
racial identities, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, gender, age,
education, and abilities.