Tuesdays, January 12, 19 and 26, 2010, 7:30 to 9pm
A 3-week series
Pain can color every aspect of our lives, but our relationship with pain can be retrained. We will explore different methods of working with the physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of physical pain both in meditation practice and in daily life. The core principles of mindfulness training can be adapted to a practical process that can be effectively used for both intense and chronic pain. Contact Ines at inesfreed@gmail.com.
Ines Freedman first became interested in meditation through her yoga practice in 1970. She has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 1985, with Gil Fronsdal being her primary teacher since 1995. She is a graduate of the Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leader Program and a past Managing Director of Insight Meditation Center. She directs and teaches the Audiodharma Online Meditation Course, and serves on the IMC Chaplaincy council. She is a retired chiropractor.