Introduction and Registration on Thursday, Sept 15 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Classes begin Thursday, Sept 29 from 1:30 to 4:00 pm
With Hilary Borison and Judy Long

Mindfulness helps us to live in the present moment with non-judgmental awareness, creating more ease with what is. However, many of us have lots of judgments, often quite critical and self-directed. We may find it’s much easier to have compassion for others than for ourselves.
In this course we will explore:
- The benefits of self-compassion
- Common misgivings about self-compassion
- Why self-acceptance is more beneficial than self-esteem
- How to activate our “tend and befriend” nature and direct it inward
- When connecting to our common humanity reduces feelings of separation
If you would like to gain freedom from self-criticism, feel a deeper and more loving connection with yourself and others, and have the courage to mindfully meet whatever arises with compassion, please join us for this 8-week course at IMC. Includes a half-day retreat on Saturday, October 22 from 12 to 4 pm.
Hilary Borison is a graduate of both the Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training through the UCSD Center for Mindfulness and the Sati Center Buddhist Chaplaincy Program which she applies in her work as a grief counselor with Kara in Palo Alto. A student of Gil Fronsdal’s since 2004, Hilary serves as a mentor in the Eightfold Path Program and leads the Women’s Circle of Mindfulness. Contact Hilary at or 650/575-2052.
Judy Long is a professional chaplain who provides palliative care with a special focus on care for caregivers. She trained in Mindful Self-Compassion with UCSD’s Center for Mindfulness and is a certified teacher of Compassion Cultivation Training through CCARE at Stanford. She is a longtime practitioner who serves as a member of the Chaplaincy Council and as a dharma mentor at IMC. Contact Judy at or 415/734-0108.
Registration is required – Offered freely – Donations welcome