June 25: Earth Care Event: DharmaTalk by Thanissara

June 25: Earth Care Event: DharmaTalk by Thanissara

A monthly group, planning activities, exploring the eco implications of Buddhist teachings and and supporting each other in facing environmental challenges. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Earth Care group at EarthCareDharma@gmail.com


Dharma Talk with Thanissara
Online via Zoom Earth Care Group, Saturday June 25, 2022, 8:30 to 10 AM PDT

Climate crisis is affecting the entire planet and causing immense suffering to many demographics. Thanissara’s talk will cover skillfully participating in engaged Buddhism. Buddhist teachings offer precedents for direct engagement with human and social issues. The Dharma talk will cover many aspects of Buddhist practices including compassion for all beings, and building a resilient community (Sangha) to act for the welfare of all beings.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89366605367?pwd=NG00aXpPbHJzL0ZCWEM5eGNPRGlSQT09
Meeting ID: 893 6660 5367 Passcode: gaia

Thanissara started Buddhist practice in the Burmese school in 1975. She was inspired to ordain after meeting Ajahn Chah and spent 12 years as a Buddhist nun, where she was a founding member of Chithurst Monastery and Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in the UK. She has facilitated meditation retreats internationally for the last 30 years and has an MA in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy Practice from Middlesex University & the Karuna Institute in the UK. With Kittisaro, she co-founded Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat and helped initiate and support a number of HIV/Aids response projects in South Africa. She has written several books, including two poetry books. Her latest book is Time To Stand Up, An Engaged Buddhist Manifesto for Our Earth. Thanissara is a member of the Spirit Rock Teacher Council.