Saturday July 13 — Opening to Stability and Clarity through the Breath Daylong with Kim Allen

Saturday July 13 — Opening to Stability and Clarity through the Breath Daylong with Kim Allen

Saturday July 13, 2024  9:00 am – 4:00 pm
in-person at IMC only

Offered by: Kim Allen

Breath meditation is a foundational practice that can be immediately accessible, and yet also unfold to deeper layers over many years. This daylong retreat is an opportunity to connect or re-connect with the simplicity and richness of the breath. Our day will include guided and silent meditations, dharma teachings, and walking meditation. Classical instructions and guidance on mindfulness of breathing will support the opportunity to strengthen mindfulness, develop concentration, practice with the IMC community, and ask a teacher questions. This daylong is appropriate for beginners and those with more experience. Registration is not required. Bring lunch.
The program is offered freely, with no registration needed. If you’d like to donate to the teacher or the center, you can visit IMC’s donation page here.

No registration is necessary.

Kim Allen began meditating in 2003, seeking both a path out of suffering and the deeper truths of life. Her longest-term teacher is Gil Fronsdal, and she has also practiced in Sri Lanka and, more recently, with a few Mahāyāna teachers. Kim was drawn early on to long retreat practice and has sat cumulative three years of retreat. A teacher and author, Kim aims to bring classical Dharma to a modern context and to encourage lay practitioners in fully living a life of Dharma. Her education includes a PhD in physics and a master’s degree in environmental sustainability, and her website is