Thursday June 20—Summer Solstice Walk in Edgewood Park

Thursday June 20—Summer Solstice Walk in Edgewood Park

Thursday, June 20, 2024: 11:00 am

Where: Let’s meet in the Edgewood Park parking lot at 11am for a 3+ mile hike.

What: We will celebrate this celestial event walking through local ecosystems with some periods of silence bringing our awareness to the present, paying attention to our senses. There will be a time of sitting with a ritual and a gathering together.

Join: Kristen Benson, an Buddist Chaplain through the Sati Center. A chaplain of the spiritual connection of people and the land/earth, who loves the earth and all that she blesses us with.

What to bring: Walking shoes, water, layers of clothing, snacks, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses.

Questions: There is no need to RSVP, but if you have questions, please contact Kristen Benson 650-483-6838

There will be a liability form that can be signed at the parking lot.

This is a Dharma Friends’ event of the Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula. The intention of Dharma Friends events is to further the development of spiritually based friendships and a sense of community within our sangha.