Saturday Sep 28: Earth Care Meeting: Wise Speech and Deep Listening

Saturday Sep 28: Earth Care Meeting: Wise Speech and Deep Listening

Saturday, September 28, 2024: 8:30 am — 10:00 am
Facilitated by Elaine Salinger, Jan Messer and Barry Rothmam
Topic: Wise Speech and Deep Listening in Conversations About Ecological and Political Concerns
on Zoom

The upcoming election and the discouraging daily news about environmental degradation can be exhausting and triggering for many. Being in community, engaging in conscious communication, and taking wise action can provide a refuge of peace. Please join us in a group exploration about the use of dharma practice and wise communication when in conversations about climate change, politics and the election. As we know, many dialogues on such topics tend to devolve into advice-giving, venting, lecturing or worse. Let’s share our thoughts and creative ideas, and inspire each other about how to use speech that is truthful, harmonious and connecting when in dialogue about these challenging topics. We welcome all who attend this meeting to contribute to the conversation.

If you have any questions about the Earth Care group at IMC, please contact us at

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