Saturday Mar 1: Bringing All Parts of Yourself to IMC — A Daylong of Care and Connection for IMC Volunteers

Saturday Mar 1: Bringing All Parts of Yourself to IMC — A Daylong of Care and Connection for IMC Volunteers

Dearest IMC & IRC volunteers,

Thank you for all the ways you support the Dharma and Sangha at IMC!

Please join us for a special daylong workshop, “Bringing all Parts of Yourself to IMC” being offered for IMC Volunteers.

At IMC, we welcome people from all backgrounds. Participation in this in-person workshop is a chance to contribute to creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

We will share, explore, and celebrate our and each other’s many different identities. As we unveil and connect, we will consider the very natural human tendency to have biases and misunderstandings of others. While a natural tendency, bias and misunderstandings are invaluable areas of Dharma practice. With the sangha as a beautiful mirror and support, together we will highlight each person’s uniqueness free from conditioned views.

Bruni Dávila and Tanya Wiser are offering this workshop. Both are committed to freeing themselves and supporting practitioners in liberation from the conditioning of greed, hatred, and delusion around issues of identity. We hope you will join us for a fun, intimate, and tender exploration together.

The final workshop will be offered March 1st, 2025, 9:00 am-4:30 pm in-person only at IMC.

Registration is required to participate — sign up here.