February 25: Earth Care Meeting: Earthworm Practice in the Anthropocene with Ayya Santacitta

February 25: Earth Care Meeting: Earthworm Practice in the Anthropocene with Ayya Santacitta

Saturday, February 25, 2023, 8:30 – 10:00 am
on Zoom

Ayya Santacitta of the Alokha Earth Room in San Rafael will speak on  “Earthworm Practice in the Anthropocene.”

The anthropocene denotes the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. Our current interlocking crises reveal themselves increasingly as a crisis of humility of the human species and the only way out is to come back down to the ground in order to connect with who we really are.

Ajahn Chah is on record for addressing the issue of wanting to push and feeling frustrated by saying: “Can you just learn to practice like an earthworm?.” Ayya Santacitta of will offer some reflections on earthworm practice and a guided meditation followed by breakout groups.

You can find out about the Earth Care Group HERE
If you have any questions, please contact the Earth Care group at EarthCare.Dharma@gmail.com

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