Summer Potluck Picnic at Red Morton Park — Sunday May 26

Summer Potluck Picnic at Red Morton Park — Sunday May 26

Sunday, May 26, 2024:  11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Location: Red Morton Park, 1120 Roosevelt Ave, Redwood City, CA
Picnic Area #1—  near the entrance to the parking lot on Valota Road

Join the IMC community to share friendship and favorite summer foods at IMC’s vegetarian potluck picnic. If possible, bring a vegetarian dish to share with 4–6 people. If you are unable to bring food, bring yourself! We’ll drive to Red Morton Park after the Dharma talk.


  • Head west on Hopkins Ave
  • Turn left onto King St
  • Turn right onto Jefferson Ave
  • Turn Left onto Valota Rd
  • Parking lot is on the left just past the grassy area

Everyone is welcome. The park includes the Magical Bridge Playground for kids of all abilities.
For questions or suggestions, contact Hilary at