Saturday Jan 25: Earth Care Meeting: COP29 Outcomes with Ram Appalaraju

Saturday Jan 25: Earth Care Meeting: COP29 Outcomes with Ram Appalaraju

Topic: COP 29 outcomes and What’s next for us!
Saturday, January 25, 2025: 8:30 am — 10:00 am
Presented by: Ram Appalaraju

On 11/24/2024 the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 29) closed after two weeks of intense discussions on issues relating to climate change and how it has been disproportionately affecting poorer countries. At the end of the meeting participating countries agreed to a set of outcomes. One of the headlines that describes the outcome is “COP29 UN Climate Conference Agrees to Triple Finance to Developing Countries, Protecting Lives and Livelihoods”.

We will discuss the outcomes and also the UN Emissions Gap Report that was presented in November 2024. We will also discuss opportunities for the Earth Care group to engage in a meaningful way in the context of the global political environment for 2025.

If you have any questions about the Earth Care group at IMC, please contact us at

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