End-of-Life Training, A Two-Day Workshop

End-of-Life Training, A Two-Day Workshop

Saturdays, January 29 and February 5, 2011, 9am to 5pm

Contemplating death and dying are important subjects that can deepen Buddhist practice.  What is really important in the face or our inevitable death? What can we do to prepare ourselves to face our death and to skillfully help others face theirs?  What can help us be mindful and peaceful when we are dying or when we are attending to others who are dying?   This two-day workshop will address these (paradoxically) life-enhancing questions. To participate, please complete the registration form available on the literature table and online.  Attendance on both days is a required commitment except in case of emergency. Information will also be available regarding the End of Life Companions group that is forming to offer companionship and a meditative presence to people during the final days of their dying process.

Registration is required for this workshop – no later than January 24, 2011.  Please either

a) fill out the Word form, saving the filled out form, and return the filled out form via e-mail to eolctraining@gmail.com.
b) print the PDF or Word form, fill it out and return via postal mail to: David Cohn, 1432 Montero Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010