
…categories: saviesa, ètica i meditació (pañña, sila i samadhi). La saviesa comprèn la comprensió i la intenció correctes. Comença per conèixer-se prou bé un mateix perquè la motivació per practicar sorgeixi de comprendre com es relacionen les Quatre Nobles Veritats…


…meditació (pañña, sila i samadhi). La saviesa comprèn la comprensió i la intenció correctes. Comença per conèixer-se prou bé un mateix perquè la motivació per practicar sorgeixi de comprendre com es relacionen les Quatre Nobles Veritats amb les pròpies situacions…

Tocar o Coração do Assunto (Portuguese Translation)

…nos usos a que ela foi colocada. O Buddha comparou uma pessoa que gostava de riqueza sem compartilhá-la com os outros como alguém cavando sua própria sepultura. O Buddha também comparou quem ganha a riqueza de forma justa e a…

Upcoming IMC Events

…at Alternatively, you can also access it directly on YouTube at (If you’d like to donate to the center or to the teacher, you can do so at Broadcast live on YouTube here i.e., Sitting 7:00…


…5 3:43 [Download] Chapter 6 3:39 [Download] Chapter 7 2:26 [Download] Chapter 8 3:14 [Download] Chapter 9 3:17 [Download] Chapter 10 3:56 [Download] Chapter 11 2:30 [Download] Chapter 12 2:24 [Download] Chapter…

The Issue at Hand

…having problems may be completely acceptable. We realize that our ability to be whole and complete is not compromised by the problem. In fact, our wholeness actually includes the problem. This does not mean we become complacent, but that our…

Passing it On 2009

…Any unauthorized or illegal use of this publication or IMC’s website terminates any license granted to you by Passing It On. Editorial Office Passing It On Letters To The Editor If you’re thinking about writing a letter or submitting…

Evaluating Your Practice

best if there’s a lot of conversation, communication, or interchange with other people. There are people who are more introverted and find that their spiritual life works best if they spend a lot of time alone. And that works best

Online Community Q&A with Gil Fronsdal: February 2011

Transcribed by: Elizabeth Paschall Download Audio Welcome, Gil, to our new question and answer session with you answering questions from the IMC online community. Gil: Great, nice to be with you again. We have quite a few questions today,…

Mindfulness Meditation Instruction

…2001-01-01 6:46 DownloadStream Mindfulness Meditation as a Buddhist Practice 2001-01-01 6:16 DownloadStream Other Meditation Instructions Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation 2005-10-02 44:12 DownloadStream Mental Noting • Transcription 2008-07-20 46:15 DownloadStream Guided Body Scan 2003-07-17 25:04 DownloadStream Guided Metta 2001-09-06 28:03 DownloadStream…

Buddhism 101 (Part 1)

free of it. Completely and utterly free of suffering. Free from sorrow, free from illness, free from ailment. These were the questions that motivated him. And at his time in India, there were a lot of spiritual teachers, many spiritual…

Evaluating One’s Meditation

best by reading, others by listening, others by watching and others by doing. Some people do best when there is discipline and structure. Others learn best through playfulness, self-direction or intuitive experimentation. Some people find reading and studying helpful, others…

Naturalistic Buddhism

…some of the central teachings associated with the Buddha in the early Pali scriptures (suttas). Because the earliest surviving texts of Indian Buddhism include many examples of teachings free of supernatural ideas, I believe that “Naturalistic Buddhism” can be considered…

Feb. 2012 Online Community Q & A with Gil Fronsdal

Recorded: February, 2012 Transcription by: Elizabeth Paschall Download Talk Good morning, Gil. It’s nice to see you after such a long time. We haven’t done this for about six months. Before we start I want to ask you about…

Eightfold Path

…to find the path. If you are interested in the path that leads to the liberation from suffering, the path that leads to compassion and peace, then you need a certain orientation to find that path. You need a compass

Four Noble Truths

…can be compassionate to the suffering around us. It is equally important to have the compassionate concern going in both directions. We can have the compassionate concern for ourselves and our own suffering, and we treat ourselves with compassion, with…

Mindfulness Meditation Homework

…also best to let go of any concern about the results or in finishing quickly. Remain in the present as best you can. When the mind wanders, simply come back to the activity. Activities you might choose include brushing your…

Theravāda Spirituality in the West

…left his centers, it seems that Sumedho’s community has succeeded in establishing the first viable monastic community in the West. As the presence of a monastic community is traditionally taken to be the criteria for the arrival of Theravāda Buddhism…

Renunciation: The Highest Happiness

…understand Dhamma – the way things are – that is renunciation. This letting go is very freeing. Whatever comes to us is Dhamma, and there is a joy in being in contact with Truth, whatever its particular flavor. Renunciation can…

Special and Yearlong Programs

…apply to the program if you are able to commit to the best of your ability for the entire course. You can apply here. Applications due by Thursday, January 18, 2024. Questions? You can email 2023 – 2024 Entering…


…when we name it, we say it, then something is born. The other person hears the appreciation and their gratitude is born. Something happens in them. Certain words are very profound. For example, a promise or a commitment, a wedding…

Right View/Right Understanding

…is your goal to be free from suffering, how might that goal manifest in your daily practice? Gil: Maybe it is useful to start in small ways. Buddhism is a great world religion that talks about freedom from suffering, and…

Residential Retreats

come to IRC. In 2024, IRC has started to offer retreats with IMC teachers in other locations. We call these off-site retreats. These are listed below and on IRC’s website. Please see the [Insight Retreat Center] website for a schedule…

December Black-Identified Mindfulness Circle

…so mindfully with compassion for ourselves and others. Sessions will include meditation, instruction, reflective exercises, and discussion, and are suitable for practitioners at all levels. Bio for Anne Roise Anne Roise has been a Zen practitioner since 1971 when she…

Online Community Nov. 2012 Q & A

…like to think of it as a community-supported retreat center. We have no staff; it’s all run by volunteers. The people who come on retreat support the running of the retreat so there is a very strong sense of community…


A Talk by Ines Freedman (IMC, December 22, 2010) (Transcribed and lightly edited by S.C.L. Eiler) Download Audio Good morning. I want to talk just a little bit about concepts. Buddhism has a whole bunch of lists, and each…