Annual Fund Donation

Annual Fund Donation

Dana is the Buddhist word for giving.
It is in the spirit of generosity that IMC continues a 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition of providing the teachings freely to all who are interested. IMC does not require payment for any of our programs. IMC has no paid staff, being run solely by volunteers. Our financial support comes from the generosity of people who value what we do. The donations we receive support all our expenses, including our building, publications and wide-reaching website. Our teachers receive no salary and are supported by teacher dana. We at IMC are very grateful for all the support we receive, and are inspired by how beautifully Dharma practice develops when it does so in a field of generosity and gratitude.

All donations to IMC are tax-deductible.
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula is a 501(c) organization, with tax ID 77-0450217.

Ways to Donate

Online: The links at the right are an opportunity for one-time or recurring donations through PayPal. For a one-time donation, you may use either a PayPal account or credit card. A recurring monthly donation will require that a PayPal account be used to manage the subscription—a process that is quick, easy, and secure.

By Check: Please make checks payable to Insight Meditation Center and mail to:

Insight Meditaton Center

108 Birch Street, Redwood City, CA 94062

Please print, fill out, and include the donation form with your donation. Also indicate that the donation is for the Annual Fund on your check.

One-Time Donations

Please enter your desired contribution below. You may use either a credit card or a Palpal account. You will receive an email receipt.


Retreat Center

Recurring Monthly Donations

Please enter your desired recurring monthly donation below. Setting up a recurring monthly donation will require a PayPal account to manage and cancel the subscription.


Retreat Center