Dharma Friends

Thursday June 20—Summer Solstice Walk in Edgewood Park

Thursday June 20—Summer Solstice Walk in Edgewood Park

Thursday, June 20, 2024: 11:00 am Where: Let’s meet in the Edgewood Park parking lot at 11am for a 3+ mile hike. What: We will celebrate this celestial event walking through local ecosystems with some periods of silence bringing our awareness to the present, paying attention to our senses. There will be a time of sitting with a ritual and a gathering together. Join: Kristen Benson, an Buddist Chaplain through the Sati Center. A chaplain of the spiritual connection of people and the land/earth, who loves…

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Finding the Dharma Online for Beginner Minds

Finding the Dharma Online for Beginner Minds

Sunday, July 18,  11:15 (after a brief snack) to 1 pm Hands-on workshop for locating meditation and Buddhism information online including through IMC’s website. Get technical support for using IMC’s many online sources; learn the uses of our updated website and the flexibility and reach of our Community site.  RSVP please.  Anne Foster, afoster@rawbw.com, 650/591-1285.

Dharma Friends & Green Sangha Present: A Plastic Journey

Dharma Friends & Green Sangha Present: A Plastic Journey

Saturday, March 6, 1 to 4:30pm An Afternoon of Awareness and Environmental Action Plastics litter our streets and waterways, polluting the environment and killing wildlife.  Plastics are getting into our bodies, too.  Many of the chemicals used in plastics are associated with modern disorders such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, obesity, premature puberty, and reproductive failure. Green Sangha offers a mindful approach to environmental action.  Cultivating a foundation of inner peace and compassion, we can experience our work as a joyful…

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Full Moon Gathering for Women

Full Moon Gathering for Women

Fridays, December 4, January 29, February 26 and March 26, 7:15 to 9:15pm Come join us at IMC for a fun, informative, warm-hearted evening of sharing with other women of the Sangha. We will meet in the small cozy conference room off the main hall. Dharma Talk; Arts and Crafts after the Dharma Talk.  Moon Gazing if conditions permit. Donations welcome. No need to RSVP. Speakers: January 29 Ani Lama Kunzang February 26 Carolyn Dille Carolyn Dille is a poet…

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Hungry Ghost Halloween Party for All Boo-dhists

Hungry Ghost Halloween Party for All Boo-dhists

Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009 6:00 to 6:30 — Hungry Ghost Ceremony. 6:30 to 9 PM — Halloween party. ATTIRE Come dressed as one of your hungry ghosts (or a generic demon): a costume representing a personal character trait which haunts you. For example, we have had ghosts representing: fear of ending up a bag lady, craving for recognition or attention, indecision, and constant vigilance. BRING Food to feed our hungry ghosts which after the ceremony, we (dressed as our hungry…

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Dharma-Inspired Book Group

Dharma-Inspired Book Group

Fridays: Dec. 4, Jan 8, Feb 5, Mar 5, 5:30pm – 7pm, IMC Dancing with Life by Phil Moffitt: This book explores the Four Noble Truths and the associated 12 insights. See below for the Amazon editorial review.  The website for this book, http://www.dancingwithlife.org has more information including excerpts, the table of contents and an introductory talk by Phil Moffitt. Dancing with Life is available through Amazon for a $16.47 (new) with used copies starting at $12.  It is available in…

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