
Sati Center: Dependent Origination with Leigh Brasington

Sati Center: Dependent Origination with Leigh Brasington

Saturday, March 19, 2011, 9am to 5pm “He who sees dependent origination sees the Dhamma; he who sees the Dhamma sees dependent origination.” Majjhima Nikaya 28. The teachings on the interdependence of phenomena are the heart of the Buddha’s wisdom teachings. Dependent origination is often described as a chain of 12 links – which we will look at in detail. But it also has many other important implications which we will also discuss. Leigh Brasington has been practicing meditation since…

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Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Saturday January 22, 2011 9am to 4:30pm This is a daylong retreat with alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation,  instruction in mindfulness practice, particularly in mindfulness of the body and a dharma talk. It is recommended for both beginners and experienced practitioners. No interviews.  Bring lunch. Gil is the primary teacher for the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA; he has been teaching since 1990. He has practiced Zen and Vipassana in the U.S. and Asia since 1975,…

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Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Saturday, February 12, 2011 8:30am to 5pm This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand the basic practice of mindfulness; no instruction will be given.This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand the basic practice of mindfulness; no instruction will be given.The schedule consists of alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. At the end of the day Gil gives a Dharma talk. Brief interviews to talk about the practice will be available with…

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Series On the Basics of Buddhism with Richard Shankman

Series On the Basics of Buddhism with Richard Shankman

Thursdays October 21 – November 18, 7:30 to 9pm A series on the fundamental teachings of the Buddha designed to provide an overview of the key concepts that are discussed in talks given at IMC. We will discuss both the theory and practice of the teachings, and how they relate to our day-to-day lives. Through an exploration of the Four Noble Truths, the Three Basic Facts of Experience, Karma, and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, we will touch most of the key teachings of the Buddha. Richard…

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Sati Center: The Dhammapada – with Tony Bernhard

Sati Center: The Dhammapada – with Tony Bernhard

Investigating the Best Known Collection of the Buddha’s Teachings Saturday, December 4, 2010, 9am to 4pm The Dhammapada may well be the most widely read and most beloved collection of Buddhist scriptures presenting wisdom through vivid, poetic imagery and often blunt contrast. Its lesson goes to the heart of the Buddha’s teachings.  During this daylong contemplation and investigation of the Dhammapada verses, we will examine both their scope and structure and explore some of the most challenging of the Buddha’s…

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Sati Center: Compassionate Vision, Conscientious Action, with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

Sati Center: Compassionate Vision, Conscientious Action, with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

A Benefit for Buddhist Global Relief Saturday, October 30, 9am to 5pm Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi will lead a daylong program exploring traditional and contemporary approaches to Socially Applied Buddhism. Caring for oneself while caring for others is at the heart of the Buddha’s teachings. How we can best do this in our present-day world is a deeply challenging question with profound ramifications. Bhante will explore the canonical roots of Socially Applied Buddhism, with texts and discussion. He will develop a…

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“How to Be Sick”, Book Reading and Discussion with Toni Bernhard

“How to Be Sick”, Book Reading and Discussion with Toni Bernhard

Sunday October 17 11:15am to 12:15pm Long time Vipassana student Toni Bernhard has written an insightful and helpful book on how to practice Buddhism while sick.  Toni has been chronically ill for many years, much of that time housebound and bed- ridden.  From her personal experience she has written a wonderfully personal and deeply compassionate book for people both ill and healthy.  Since her illness limits how much she can do, we are fortunate that she will be sharing her…

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Benefit for Brahmavihara-Cambodia, Sunday morning talk by Beth Goldring

Benefit for Brahmavihara-Cambodia, Sunday morning talk by Beth Goldring

Sunday, October 10, 10am to 10:45am For the last ten years IMC has been supporting the growth of Beth’s Buddhist Chaplaincy program in Cambodia called Brahmavihara-Cambodia.  In recent years we have had annual benefits that have provided a significant amount of funding for her work. She and her staff started with caring for those dying of AIDS. With the success of her program, her project has expanded to also offer compassionate care to the desperately poor, prisoners,  and those with…

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Living This Life Fully, An evening of meditation, teachings and stories with Mirka Knaster

Living This Life Fully, An evening of meditation, teachings and stories with Mirka Knaster

Wednesday, October 6, 7:30-9:00pm This is an evening to experience and delight in the teachings of Munindra-ji, an Indian meditation master and Buddhist scholar who was one of the most important meditation teachers for the first generation of Westerners to study and then teach Insight Meditation, including Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg.  Mirka Knaster, has written a delightful book of poignant and humorous anecdotes from his life that highlight the many qualities of mature Buddhist practice and great human beings….

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Hidden Villa Meditation Retreat with Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella

Hidden Villa Meditation Retreat with Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella

Friday, May 6 to Friday, May 13, 2011 Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 This retreat and wait list are full.  We are not accepting any more applications. Flyer Information Application Note: the application link will take you to our new web-based registration form. Please follow the directions from there. If you need a paper application, contact the registrar (contact info on flyer). Gil has practiced Zen and Vipassana since 1975 and has a Ph.D. in…

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Ceremony of Love & Remembrance with Maria Straatmann

Ceremony of Love & Remembrance with Maria Straatmann

Friday, October 29, 7:30 to 9pm Anyone who has lost a family member, friend or other dear person over the last year is welcome to join us for a chance to remember and honor those who have died but who enriched our lives and community. With the Buddhist practices of mindfulness and compassion, we will have a period of silent sitting and rituals of remembrance, bereavement, and farewell.  Bring pictures or mementos for our altar of persons you wish to…

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Coming of Age Program: ‘Parents Only’ Introductory Meeting

Coming of Age Program: ‘Parents Only’ Introductory Meeting

Tuesday, July 13, 7:30 to 9pm Plans for the Coming of Age Program are now in place, and we will be starting our first groups in the fall.  Two separate groups will be formed, one for girls and one for boys; both will be open to 7th and 8th graders.  Groups will meet monthly from September, 2010 through May, 2011. You and your children are invited to join the teachers and program organizers for two introductory meetings, during which you…

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