
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Ines Freedman

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Ines Freedman

5 Wednesday evenings May 22, 29 and June 5, 12, 19, 7:30-9pm Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is…

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Introduction Mindfulness Meditation with Jim Podolske and Shin Kwan Park

Introduction Mindfulness Meditation with Jim Podolske and Shin Kwan Park

5 Monday mornings March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 9:30-11am Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is…

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Beginners Practice Group with Chris Clifford and Jim Podolske

Beginners Practice Group with Chris Clifford and Jim Podolske

4 Wednesday evenings, February 13, 20, 27 and March 6, 7:30-9pm This series is for beginners who have taken a basic mindfulness meditation instruction class and would like to take the next step in building and supporting their practice.  This will be a four week discussion group on developing mindfulness practice.  There will be a 20 minute sitting, a review of the basic teachings, and discussion with an introduction to the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Chris Clifford’s…

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Memorial Day Weekend Family Retreat: K- 5th Graders and Parents

Memorial Day Weekend Family Retreat: K- 5th Graders and Parents

With Richard Shankman, Rebekkah LaDyne Saturday May 25- Monday May 27 Jikoji Retreat Center, Los Gatos Practice together as a family during a relaxed weekend that will offer structured retreat practice and small group sharing with other parents, teens, and children, along with hiking and appreciation of the forest, grasslands, and views from the top of the Santa Cruz mountains.  The site features camping and a limited number of shared dorm rooms. Registration is available on the IMC website at…

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Bringing Mindfulness to Children

Bringing Mindfulness to Children

April 20 9:30am – 4:00pm Bringing Mindfulness to Children is a daylong for teachers, parents, therapists, and others interested in brining mindfulness- based practices to children. We will explore fun and easy mindfulness practices that can be shared with youth of all ages to help them develop embodied awareness, emotional intelligence, curiosity and focus, compassion and empathy, and trust in their own inner wisdom. Pre-registration is requested.  To register or get additional information contact Liz Powell at Taught by: Carla Brooke has taught…

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Thanksgiving Retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Thanksgiving Retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Nov 22 – Dec 1st, 2013 With Andrea Fella, Wes Nisker, Pat Coffey and Anushka Fernandopulle The Thanksgiving retreat at Spirit Rock is a special opportunity to spend the holiday in the compancy of a like-minded community, surrounded by the peace and silence of the land. We will spend our days in noble silence with the sitting and walking practices of Insight meditation (VIpassana). Supported in this beautiful container, we will explore how the teachings of the Buddha point us…

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Concentration Retreat

Concentration Retreat

Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA August 12-21, 2013 With Phillip Moffitt, Andrea Fella, Adrianne Ross, Donald Rothberg Concentration (samadhi) defined as the collection and unification of the mind, was emphasized by the Buddha as one of the aspects of the Eightfold Path. It can bring joy to your practice and develop the skillful use of pleasure in the meditative process. Whatever your level of practice, you can improve your Insight Meditation (Vipassana) by strengthening your concentration skills. Your ability…

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The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A non-silent Study and Practice Reteat

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A non-silent Study and Practice Reteat

Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA With Andrea Fella, Tempel Smith May 13-19, 2013 The Living Dharma retreat is intended for committed vipassana practitioners who wish to deepen their practice and understanding of the Buddha’s teachings through meditation, inquiry, study and sangha. Each year in this retreat, we offer some of the central teachings of the Buddha, and examine them in detail, especially regarding their relevance to our meditation practice and the experience of suffering and freedom in our lives….

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Third Foundation of Mindfulness

Third Foundation of Mindfulness

Sponsored by Vipassana Hawaii: at the Palolo Zen Center, Oahu, Hawaii With Andrea Fella January 18 – 25, 2013 During this residential retreat, we will explore the Buddha’s teaching on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, with an emphasis on the third foundation: Mindfulness of Mind, awareness of the qualities of the mind.  The practice encourages relaxation of body and mind while paying close attention to present moment experience, as well as the relationship of our mind to our experience. The…

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Introduction to Mindfulness Series with Gil Fronsdal

Introduction to Mindfulness Series with Gil Fronsdal

5 Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9pm, January 9, 16, 23, 30 & February 6 2013 Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it…

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Half-Day Yoga and Meditation Retreat with Terry Lesser

Half-Day Yoga and Meditation Retreat with Terry Lesser

Saturday January 12, 9am-12:30pm This retreat offers an opportunity to develop a continuity of awareness in movement and in stillness. We will integrate yoga poses, breath work, relaxation, loving-kindness (metta), guided and silent meditation and let the synergy of these practices inform and deepen one another to open heart and mind. The retreat is appropriate for beginners to either yoga or meditation as well as experienced yogis and meditators. You do not have to be flexible to do yoga, nor…

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Thanksgiving Morning Yoga and Meditation with Terry Lesser

Thanksgiving Morning Yoga and Meditation with Terry Lesser

Thursday November 22, 8:30-10:30am Thanksgiving Day invites us to reflect upon the good in our lives, and to appreciate our good fortune. Even if we are feeling sad, low, grumpy or just not particularly fortunate, coming together in the stillness of meditation and the movement of yoga can revitalize our acceptance, gratitude and joy. Appropriate for beginners to yoga or meditation, as well as those with more experience. Bring a large towel and sticky mat, if you have one. Terry…

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Beginners Practice Group with Jim Podolske and Shin Kwan Park

Beginners Practice Group with Jim Podolske and Shin Kwan Park

3 Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9pm, November 7, 14 & 21 This series is for beginners who have taken a basic mindfulness meditation instruction class and would like to take the next step in building and supporting their practice.  This will be a three week discussion group on developing mindfulness practice.  There will be a 20 minute sitting, a review of the basic teachings, and discussion with an introduction to the Four Noble Truths. Jim Podolske’s Biography/Talks Shin Kwan Park’s Biography/Talks

Introduction to Mindfulness Series with Gil Fronsdal

Introduction to Mindfulness Series with Gil Fronsdal

5 Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9pm, September 26, October 3, 10, 17 & 31 Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is…

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