Special Events

Summer Potluck Picnic at Red Morton Park — Sunday May 26

Summer Potluck Picnic at Red Morton Park — Sunday May 26

Sunday, May 26, 2024:  11:00 am – 2:00 pm Location: Red Morton Park, 1120 Roosevelt Ave, Redwood City, CA Picnic Area #1—  near the entrance to the parking lot on Valota Road Join the IMC community to share friendship and favorite summer foods at IMC’s vegetarian potluck picnic. If possible, bring a vegetarian dish to share with 4–6 people. If you are unable to bring food, bring yourself! We’ll drive to Red Morton Park after the Dharma talk. DIRECTIONS FROM IMC:…

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IRC Online Retreats — Online Retreat Sangha Gathering with Gil Fronsdal — Sunday May 5

IRC Online Retreats — Online Retreat Sangha Gathering with Gil Fronsdal — Sunday May 5

Sunday, May 5, 2024:  11:30 am – 12:30 pm On Zoom, Hosted by the Insight Retreat Center with Gil Fronsdal Everyone involved or interested in IRC’s online retreats is invited to an Online Sangha Gathering with Gil Fronsdal. This event will be held online over ZOOM on Sunday, May 5th, hosted by Insight Retreat Center. The event will include a short meditation, discussion of practicing on retreats from home, an update about Insight Retreat Online, and information about how to become…

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On Zoom: Full Simplicity with Kim Allen — starts Tuesday June 25

On Zoom: Full Simplicity with Kim Allen — starts Tuesday June 25

Offered by: Kim Allen On Zoom with two supplemental meetings in-person at IMC Registration closed June 25. MAIN PROGRAM: Tuesdays: June 25, July 9, July 23, Aug 6, 2024 — 6:00 – 8:00 pm Pacific time — on Zoom SUPPLEMENTAL SESSIONS: Sundays: June 30 & July 28, 1:00 – 2:30 pm Two supplemental in-person sessions at IMC Redwood City are offered for those able to come in person. These are not an official part of the program, but provide an…

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Non-residential Online Retreat with Andrea Fella

Non-residential Online Retreat with Andrea Fella

Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format) Taught by Andrea Fella Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. May 5-11, 2024 (Sunday through Saturday) with two online sessions daily Registration is required:To register, click on this Registration Form.  For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.  After registration, you will receive the retreat details, including Zoom link information. This retreat is designed to integrate our mindfulness practice with our everyday activities. During this weeklong online retreat we will…

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Online: The Heart of Burmese Buddhism Under Threat

Online: The Heart of Burmese Buddhism Under Threat

Sunday, January 21, 2024:  12:00 pm – 1:00 pm With Carol Wilson, Greg Scharf and Billy Ford on Zoom Burma has experienced more than 70 years of conflict, but nothing like the national inter-ethnic uprising that emerged after the military coup in February 2021. For the first time, many of the Bamar majority have risen up alongside ethnic minorities. The ongoing violence and strife has led to more than 2 million people being displaced, from all ethnicities and spiritual backgrounds, and an unprecedented spiritual…

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2024 Path of Fearlessness with Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser

2024 Path of Fearlessness with Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser

Saturdays 12:30pm – 3:30pm (Pacific time) Jan 27, Feb 24, Apr 13, May 25, Jun 29 and Aug 10, 2024 On Zoom Offered by: Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser In order to find real freedom it is important to practice right in the middle of our lives, including those areas that are unresolved, frightening, or painful. Often enough, it is easy for us to hear and practice Dharma teachings without knowing how to apply these to the deepest personal, emotional,…

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Non-Residential Online Retreat with Andrea Fella

Non-Residential Online Retreat with Andrea Fella

Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format) Taught by Andrea Fella Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. November 12-18, 2023 (Sunday through Saturday) with two online sessions daily Registration is required:To register, click on this Registration Form.  For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.  After registration, you will receive the retreat details, including Zoom link information. This retreat is designed to integrate our mindfulness practice with our everyday activities. During this weeklong online retreat we will…

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The Great Passing Away of the First Buddhist Nun: A Benefit for the Saranaloka Nuns

The Great Passing Away of the First Buddhist Nun: A Benefit for the Saranaloka Nuns

Saturday, November 14, 6:30 – 7:30 pm – reception 7:30 – 8:30 pm – Dramatization 8:30 – 9:00 pm – reception At IMC IMC will host a grand dramatization of the great passing away of the first Buddhist nun, the Buddha’s foster mother, Mahāpajāpatī. The dramatization will be based on an ancient poem that confidently asserts the spiritual potential of women. It also celebrates the role Buddhist nuns have for teaching the Dharma and displaying the attainment of liberation. Dramatizing the…

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Gathering the Mind with Max Erdstein

Gathering the Mind with Max Erdstein

Aspects of Concentration in Mindfulness Practice Five Thursday evenings Sept 18 – Oct 16 7:30pm – 9:00pm The Buddha taught that one who has cultivated samadhi, usually translated as concentration, see things as they are. This five-week series of talks and guided meditations will explore the practice of samadhi and how it relates to vipassana practice. Topics will include: the benefits of concentration practice, factors that support the deepening of concentration, how concentration relates to vipassana, and the role for…

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Establishing A Practice Group

Establishing A Practice Group

4 Monday evenings, October 6, 13, 20, and 27, 7:30 – 9 pm, at IMC Annex, 1040 Brewster Ave. Suite D. People who have completed IMC’s Introduction to Meditation class, are welcome to apply to be part of a small four week support group focused on getting further established in a regular meditation practice. The group will be led by Chris Clifford, a long time IMC practitioner and instructor. Participants will have a chance to have a personal meeting with Chris to…

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Finding the Dharma in the Midst of Conflict with Daniel Bowling

Finding the Dharma in the Midst of Conflict with Daniel Bowling

A two week series: Thursday June 12 and June 19     7:30 – 9:00 pm Whenever we are caught up in conflict with another, it’s as if we are enveloped in fog. Maintaining mindful presence becomes much more difficult. In these moments, we are more likely to create a separate sense of self and blame the one(s) with whom we are in conflict and/or attack ourselves. This two week series focus on the Buddha’s teachings on conflict, including specific…

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The Three Characteristics: Suffering, Impermanence & Not-Self with Maria Straatmann

The Three Characteristics: Suffering, Impermanence & Not-Self with Maria Straatmann

Four Tuesday mornings: February 4, 11, 18, 25 9:30 – 11:00am These three conditions characterize all of our existence. To “see things as they really are” means seeing experience in the context of: the impermanence of all things, the presence/unsatisfactoriness of suffering; and the realization that we are not our experiences. This series will delve into the encounter, insight and freedom inherent in the unfolding of these factors in our lives. Week 1: Impermanence Week 2: Suffering Week 3: Not-Self…

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The Four Truths and the Eightfold Path with Tony Bernhard

The Four Truths and the Eightfold Path with Tony Bernhard

Four Thursday evenings: January 2,9,16,23 7:30pm – 9:00pm In this four-week series, we will explore the Buddha’s key teachings on suffering and dissatisfaction. The series will particularly investigate the path of practice that leads to the ending of suffering. January 2: The Four Truths January 9: The Path of Practice: Wisdom (Panna) January 16: The Path of Practice: Ethics (Sila) January 23: The Path of Practice: Mental Cultivation (Samadhi) Tony Bernhard’s biography

Beautifying the Mind with Kim Allen (week 3)

Beautifying the Mind with Kim Allen (week 3)

A 3-part series on January 7, 14, and 21 * Generosity * Benevolence * Serenity, Insight, and Peace The path of Buddhist practice includes both letting go of harmful actions and mindstates and cultivating wholesome actions and mindstates. Each one beautifies the mind and leads it away from suffering. In this series of three talks, we will examine some of the key areas of practice that cultivate the mind — generosity, harmlessness, goodwill, and meditation. Kim Allen’s biography

Beautifying the Mind with Kim Allen (week 2)

Beautifying the Mind with Kim Allen (week 2)

A 3-part series on January 7, 14, and 21 * Generosity * Benevolence * Serenity, Insight, and Peace The path of Buddhist practice includes both letting go of harmful actions and mindstates and cultivating wholesome actions and mindstates. Each one beautifies the mind and leads it away from suffering. In this series of three talks, we will examine some of the key areas of practice that cultivate the mind — generosity, harmlessness, goodwill, and meditation. Kim Allen’s biography