Special Events

Benefit for Brahmavihara-Cambodia, Sunday morning talk by Beth Goldring

Benefit for Brahmavihara-Cambodia, Sunday morning talk by Beth Goldring

Sunday, October 10, 10am to 10:45am For the last ten years IMC has been supporting the growth of Beth’s Buddhist Chaplaincy program in Cambodia called Brahmavihara-Cambodia.  In recent years we have had annual benefits that have provided a significant amount of funding for her work. She and her staff started with caring for those dying of AIDS. With the success of her program, her project has expanded to also offer compassionate care to the desperately poor, prisoners,  and those with…

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Living This Life Fully, An evening of meditation, teachings and stories with Mirka Knaster

Living This Life Fully, An evening of meditation, teachings and stories with Mirka Knaster

Wednesday, October 6, 7:30-9:00pm This is an evening to experience and delight in the teachings of Munindra-ji, an Indian meditation master and Buddhist scholar who was one of the most important meditation teachers for the first generation of Westerners to study and then teach Insight Meditation, including Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg.  Mirka Knaster, has written a delightful book of poignant and humorous anecdotes from his life that highlight the many qualities of mature Buddhist practice and great human beings….

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Ceremony of Love & Remembrance with Maria Straatmann

Ceremony of Love & Remembrance with Maria Straatmann

Friday, October 29, 7:30 to 9pm Anyone who has lost a family member, friend or other dear person over the last year is welcome to join us for a chance to remember and honor those who have died but who enriched our lives and community. With the Buddhist practices of mindfulness and compassion, we will have a period of silent sitting and rituals of remembrance, bereavement, and farewell.  Bring pictures or mementos for our altar of persons you wish to…

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Coming of Age Program: ‘Parents Only’ Introductory Meeting

Coming of Age Program: ‘Parents Only’ Introductory Meeting

Tuesday, July 13, 7:30 to 9pm Plans for the Coming of Age Program are now in place, and we will be starting our first groups in the fall.  Two separate groups will be formed, one for girls and one for boys; both will be open to 7th and 8th graders.  Groups will meet monthly from September, 2010 through May, 2011. You and your children are invited to join the teachers and program organizers for two introductory meetings, during which you…

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Volunteer Appreciation Tea with Gil Fronsdal

Volunteer Appreciation Tea with Gil Fronsdal

Sunday, September12, 11:15am to 12pm Gil would like to take this opportunity to offer his appreciation to the many volunteers at IMC for the generous gift of their time and efforts.  It will also be an opportunity for volunteers to become better acquainted with one another.

Finding the Dharma Online for Beginner Minds

Finding the Dharma Online for Beginner Minds

Sunday, July 18,  11:15 (after a brief snack) to 1 pm Hands-on workshop for locating meditation and Buddhism information online including through IMC’s website. Get technical support for using IMC’s many online sources; learn the uses of our updated website and the flexibility and reach of our Community site.  RSVP please.  Anne Foster, afoster@rawbw.com, 650/591-1285.

Mindful Eating: Buddha’s Teachings on Nourishing Body and Heart with Ronna Kabatznick

Mindful Eating: Buddha’s Teachings on Nourishing Body and Heart with Ronna Kabatznick

Saturday, August 21, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm Have you noticed that no matter what we eat, how much we weigh or exercise, that feeling of lack, emptiness, the unquenchable thirst for more, eventually takes over? The Buddha observed that the source of suffering comes from craving and the mismanagement of desire. He also observed how to satisfy physical and emotional feelings of hunger and lack that are part of the human condition. This class will explore why the Buddha declared,…

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A Benefit for Mindful Schools with Megan Cowan

A Benefit for Mindful Schools with Megan Cowan

Sunday, August 15, 7 to 8:30pm Megan Cowan will be sharing the work of Mindful Schools and discussing the movement of mindfulness in education. Hear the inspiring impact mindfulness is having on children and teachers in Oakland and the greater Bay Area, and what we can learn about our own practice from the simplicity of children. Megan has been practicing since 1996, mostly in Burma, and including two and half years ordained as a nun. In 2001, she fell upon…

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Buddhist Spiritual Care Symposium

Buddhist Spiritual Care Symposium

Saturday, October 16th, 2010, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Welcoming Buddhist chaplains and those interested in deepening their spiritual care practice for a day of learning and community-building.   Fleet Maull will will share about prison Dharma and Rev. Judith Finely from Final Passages will talk about Home Funerals and Natural death care. Vegetarian lunch included.  Presented by Buddhist Chaplains Group.  Pre-registration at www.buddhistchaplainsnetwork.org or call Bill Hart: 415 -567-9823 Acharya Fleet Maull is a senior teacher in both the Shambhala Buddhist and…

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Half-Day Retreat: Meditation and Yoga with Terry Lesser

Half-Day Retreat: Meditation and Yoga with Terry Lesser

Saturday, January 8, 2011, 9:00am to 12:30pm This retreat offers an opportunity to develop a continuity of awareness in movement and in stillness. We will integrate yoga poses, breath work, relaxation, loving-kindness (metta), and guided and silent meditation and let the synergy of these practices inform and deepen one another to open heart and mind. The retreat is appropriate for beginners to either yoga or meditation as well as experienced yogis and meditators. You do not have to be flexible…

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Tea with IMC’s Board President & Community Meeting

Tea with IMC’s Board President & Community Meeting

Sunday, August 22, 11:15am to 12:30pm After the dharma talk, you are welcome to join Kim Allen, IMC’s board president, for tea, conversation, and an update on IMC. Discussion topics could include volunteering at IMC, our culture and way of doing things, or our practice. Questions are welcome.

Mindfulness of the Body Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Mindfulness of the Body Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Saturday, September 11, 2010, 9:00am to 4:30pm Mindfulness of the body lies at the foundation of Buddhist meditation practice.  To support building a strong foundation, the day will include a variety of teachings and guidance on practices related to the body: instruction on how to practice mindfulness of the body, detailed instruction on meditation posture as well as a period of yoga supportive of meditation practice led by Terry Lesser. Bring lunch.