Special Events

Sati Center: Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program, Taught by Jennifer Block, Gil Fronsdal, Paul Haller and guest teachers

Sati Center: Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program, Taught by Jennifer Block, Gil Fronsdal, Paul Haller and guest teachers

One Friday a month starting September 17. A year-long training in Buddhist chaplaincy and spiritual care-giving oriented to Buddhist practitioners with at least four years of committed practice.  Its aim is to provide a strong foundation in Buddhist chaplaincy for volunteer chaplains, those working toward being professional chaplaincy, and those serving the pastoral needs of their local sanghas.  Information at www.sati.org, or karuna@sati.org. Class dates: September  17, October 16, November 19, December  10, January 14, February 11, March 11, April…

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Dharma Practice Series: The Paramis with Gil Fronsdal

Dharma Practice Series: The Paramis with Gil Fronsdal

Dharma Practice Series: Fridays, 9:30am – 3:30pm 2010 September 10 Generosity (Dana) October 15 Virtue (Sila) November 5 Renunciation (Nekkhamma) December 3 Wisdom (Panna) 2011 January 7 Energy/Vigor (Viriya) February 4 Patience (Khanti) March 4 Truthfulness (Sacca) April 15 Resolve (Adhitthana) May 6 Lovingkindness (Metta) June 3 Equanimity (Upekkha) Starting September 10, 2010, IMC is offering an ten month program of study and practice of the ten perfections (paramis).  These are ten qualities of character which, when developed, support both…

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Aging as a Spiritual Practice Workshop with Lew Richmond

Aging as a Spiritual Practice Workshop with Lew Richmond

Saturday, September 25, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm Lew Richmond will be offering another one-day meditation retreat on “Aging as a Spiritual Practice.”  Lew feels that the experience of growing older is one important way we experience in our own bodies the fundamental Buddhist truths of suffering and impermanence, and for the last several months he has been exploring this issue on his blog www.AgingAsASpiritualPractice.com.  He is also at work on a book, Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide…

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Young Adults’ Practice and Community Day

Young Adults’ Practice and Community Day

Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:30 to 5:30pm Join teachers Andrea Fella and Donald Rothberg for a half-day retreat on the theme “Integrating Practice and Daily Life.” As a follow-up to the November daylong for young adults, Twheet, this event is geared to build community among in a supportive environment for practitioners roughly 20-35yrs. This special event will be co-hosted by teachers Andrea Fella and Donald Rothberg and features a mix of sittings, short dharma talks, and opportunities for group discussion….

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Buddhism & 12 Steps with Kevin Griffin & Stephanie Tate

Buddhism & 12 Steps with Kevin Griffin & Stephanie Tate

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm The Buddha said craving is the cause of suffering. Twelve Step programs work with the deepest forms of craving. How can these two traditions come together to deepen our spiritual life?  Through a combination of traditional and contemporary Buddhist meditation practices, interactive exercises, lecture, and discussion, the day will explore the ways that Buddhism and the Steps complement each other. The day is open to all those interested. You need not be in…

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Introduction to Meditation Daylong Retreat with Ines Freedman

Introduction to Meditation Daylong Retreat with Ines Freedman

Saturday, November 13, 2010, 9:30am to 3:30pm Introducing the basic practice of mindfulness, with direction in mindfulness of the breath, body, emotions, thoughts, walking and eating. There will sitting and walking meditation and discussion. Suitable for both beginners and those wanting to review the basics of practice.  Bring lunch. Ines Freedman first became interested in meditation through her yoga practice in 1970. She has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 1985, with Gil Fronsdal being her primary teacher since 1995. She…

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Daily Life Practice Retreat w/ Andrea Fella

Daily Life Practice Retreat w/ Andrea Fella

Sunday, February 20 to Saturday, February 26, 2011 Integrating practice into our daily lives can be difficult. Many of us need support for this challenging but rewarding aspect of practice. We will integrate formal practice and Dharma discussion with our daily life by surrounding our usual workweek and workdays with practice and discussion. We begin with a half-day retreat with instructions and discussion on Sunday, and end with a daylong retreat on the following Saturday. During the week we will…

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Living As Nuns with Ajahns Anadabodhi and Santacitta

Living As Nuns with Ajahns Anadabodhi and Santacitta

Saturday, July 10, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm Ajahn Anandabodhi and Ajahn Santacitta will offer a window into their experience as Buddhist nuns in the lineage of Ajahn Chah. Sharing the challenges and blessings of living at the edge, where a longstanding Asian tradition meets the post modern Western world. Ajahn Anandabodhi was born in Wales in 1968. She trained in catering and also worked in environmental conservation, all the while looking for spiritual direction. Visiting Amaravati in 1990, she experienced…

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Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Saturday, December 11, 2010, 8:30am to 5pm Practicing mindfulness on retreat is one of the foundations for maturing insight meditation. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many of the distractions that get in the way of clear seeing. Retreats also are a wonderful environment for developing a continuity of awareness for an extended period. This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand the basic practice of mindfulness; no instruction will be…

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A Retreat for Meditation and Creativity with Carolyn Dille

A Retreat for Meditation and Creativity with Carolyn Dille

Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm This day is for all who wish to nurture creative engagement in their lives, and in their writing and visual arts practices. We’ll explore movement and stillness to cultivate the development of mindfulness and the flow of creative expression. Please bring materials for writing and drawing, and a lunch. Carolyn is a poet and writer who facilitates creativity retreats and workshops. She works with groups and individuals. She has been practicing Buddhist and…

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Vesak – Buddha’s Birthday Celebration with Gil Fronsdal

Vesak – Buddha’s Birthday Celebration with Gil Fronsdal

Sunday, May 23, 10-10:45am Vesak – Buddha’s Birthday Celebration. During the first part of the Sunday morning Dharma Talk, we will have a Vesak celebration to honor the Buddha’s birthday. Families with children are encouraged to attend.Come with cut flowers at 10:00 to decorate pagoda (in the IMC parking lot) 10:30 Procession into meditation hall for Buddha’s Birthday celebration.

Sati Center: The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching with Richard Shankman

Sati Center: The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching with Richard Shankman

A Day of Sutta Study on the Buddha’s First Three Discourses Friday, August 6, 9am to 5pm The entirety of the Buddha’s teaching is encapsulated in the first three discourses he delivered after his enlightenment. In this day of study we will cover all three suttas in detail, exploring how they weave together to inform each other and create a complete description of Dharma teaching and practice. Richard Shankman has been a meditator since 1970 and teaches at dharma centers…

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Introduction to Loving-kindness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal

Introduction to Loving-kindness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal

Wednesdays May 12 – June 2, 7:30-9:00 pm Loving-kindness meditation involves developing goodwill toward oneself and others. It is an important Buddhist practice in its own right, and it is a valuable compliment to mindfulness meditation. The practice brings many benefits, including greater self-understanding, goodwill, and inner stability. The four week series will systematically present the classic instruction for cultivating loving-kindness.

Healer Within – Wisdom Healing Qigong w/ Master Mingtong Gu

Healer Within – Wisdom Healing Qigong w/ Master Mingtong Gu

Sunday, May 9, 12:30pm – 4:30pm Wisdom Healing Qigong – activating life energy for self-healing and the healing of others…… Through gentle movement, visualization, sound and conscious intention, Qigong is an experiential way to address the underlying causes of life’s challenges, using the totality of the body and its connection with emotion, mind and spirit. We will share the skill and practice of transmitting chi for curing the incurable and healing others without depleting your own chi. It will enhance…

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“Passing It On” Authors’ Event

“Passing It On” Authors’ Event

Tuesday, March 23, 7:30 to 9pm Join the contributors to IMC’s latest publication “Passing It On” in an evening gathering. The authors will comment about their creative contributions and their practices. “Passing It On” is a collection of writing and art by lay practitioners connected with the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, California.  It shows that helpful teaching can be found in the ordinary lives of lay practitioners.   The collection celebrates our everyday lives, but not in a way that…

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