Special Events

Young Adults (Ages 20 – 35) Sitting Group

Young Adults (Ages 20 – 35) Sitting Group

Third Sundays of the month, 7 to 8:30pm February 21: Martina Schneider March 21: Spring Washam Kate Janke started her meditation practice in 2004 at IMC. In 2005 she went to Thailand for six months to deepen her meditation practice in Southeast Asia sitting long retreats. This was a transformative experience that has propelled her to make Buddhist practice central to her life. Currently, Kate co-leads a Kalyana Mitta group for young adults and is one of the founders of…

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Visit the Divine Abodes Series w/ Anushka Fernandopulle

Visit the Divine Abodes Series w/ Anushka Fernandopulle

Thursday Evenings, January 7, 14, 21, 28, 7:30 to 9pm We will be exploring the brahma viharas, or divine abodes, on Thursday evenings in January. These are four states of heart and mind that the Buddha encouraged us to develop: unconditional kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), appreciative joy (mudita) and equanimity (upekkha). Each week we will learn the meditation practice associated with one of these and reflect on that state in our own life, its benefits, and the obstacles. We will…

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Sati Center: Union of Mindfulness & Concentration Daylong with Thanissaro Bikkhu

Sati Center: Union of Mindfulness & Concentration Daylong with Thanissaro Bikkhu

Saturday, April 17, 9am to 5pm Right mindfulness and right concentration, together with right effort, form the concentration-aggregate of the noble eightfold path. Although these factors are often discussed separately, the Pali discourses show that the Buddha meant for them to form a unified practice. This course—through talks, readings, discussions, and meditation—will explore what these factors means and how they can be brought together in a mutually supportive and nourishing way. Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) is an American monk of…

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Bringing the Dharma to Prison: An introduction to offering meditation, chaplaincy and Buddhist practice in prisons and jail with Paul Haller and Jacques Verduin

Bringing the Dharma to Prison: An introduction to offering meditation, chaplaincy and Buddhist practice in prisons and jail with Paul Haller and Jacques Verduin

Friday, January 29, 2010 9:30am to 4:30pm What does it mean to ‘leave prison before you get out’? What are the greater implications of teaching the experience of freedom not just as the other side of the gate but rather as a state of mind? This day-long training features two dedicated professionals that aim to share many years of service in the trenches of our prison system. The teaching will address both specific questions related to Buddhist practice as well…

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Metta Daylong with Greg Scharf

Metta Daylong with Greg Scharf

Saturday, February 27, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm Beside insight meditation, metta or lovingkindness meditation is a foundational practice of our Buddhist practice. It is the opening to a compassionate heart, the heartfelt wish for the well-being of oneself and others. A day dedicated to cultivating friendliness and goodwill. Greg Scharf began meditation practice in 1992. He has studied with a variety of teachers both in Asia and the west, and has trained as a Buddhist monk in Burma. Greg has…

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The Sacred Act of Death and Dying with Berget Jelane & David Cohn

The Sacred Act of Death and Dying with Berget Jelane & David Cohn

Saturday, February 6, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm This will be a day of silent and verbal exploration of our own dying process beginning now.  In a safe, caring environment we will offer the Buddhist teachings on death as well as our own experiences, fears, hopes, concerns.  Together we will share our process and do an exercise to help us get more in touch with the reality of our dying and begin to demystify the whole aura around death.  Please bring…

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Sati Center Sutta Study: Fruits of the Contemplative Life Taught by Gil Fronsdal

Sati Center Sutta Study: Fruits of the Contemplative Life Taught by Gil Fronsdal

Friday, January 15, 9:30am to 1pm This morning class will offer an in-depth study of an important discourse by the Buddha.  In a dramatic narrative context, a king asks the Buddha about what benefits come from the religious life.  The Buddha responds by describing the stages of Buddhist practice.  The sutta is the second discourse in Long Discourses.  A translation can be found online at http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/dn.02.0.than.html.

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Saturday, January 30, 8:30am to 5pm Practicing mindfulness on retreat is one of the foundations for maturing insight meditation. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many of the distractions that get in the way of clear seeing. Retreats also are a wonderful environment for developing a continuity of awareness for an extended period. This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand the basic practice of mindfulness; no instruction will be given….

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Monastic Evenings with Saranaloka Nuns

Monastic Evenings with Saranaloka Nuns

Third Friday of the Month Evenings, 7pm to 9pm On the Monastic Evenings one or more Theravadan nuns will be offering traditional Buddhist chanting, silent or guided meditation, and sharing the Dhamma from the heart. This may take the form of a Dhamma reflection, Dhamma dialogue, taking refuge, or questions and answers. The Saranaloka Foundation was established in 2004 to support nuns from Chithurst and Amaravati monasteries in England to come to the United States to teach. With the blessing…

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Facing the Shadow: A Daylong Exploration of How We Relate to Practice with the Shadow – For Young Adults – with Donald Rothberg and Kate Janke

Facing the Shadow: A Daylong Exploration of How We Relate to Practice with the Shadow – For Young Adults – with Donald Rothberg and Kate Janke

Saturday, December 5, 9am to 4:30pm For Young Adults, Ages 20-35 Come join us for a day of practice and experiential investigation into our shadows—dark and light, individual and collective—and how “shadow work” can be a major part of our spiritual practice! Carl Jung spoke of the shadow of the individual as “the ‘negative’ side of the personality, the sum of all those unpleasant qualities we like to hide.” Yet, he thought, the shadow also carries energies and insights necessary…

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Working With Pain In Meditation and in Daily Life wih Ines Freedman

Working With Pain In Meditation and in Daily Life wih Ines Freedman

Tuesdays, January 12, 19 and 26, 2010, 7:30 to 9pm A 3-week series Pain can color every aspect of our lives, but our relationship with pain can be retrained.  We will explore different methods of working with the physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of physical pain both in meditation practice and in daily life.  The core principles of mindfulness training can be adapted to a practical process that can be effectively used for both intense and chronic pain. Contact Ines…

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Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Andrea Fella and Pamela Weiss

Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Andrea Fella and Pamela Weiss

Wednesday, August 4 to Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jikoji Retreat Center, 12100 Skyline Blvd, Los Gatos CA 95033 Application Information Flier Andrea Fella has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and, under Gil Fronsdal’s guidance, began teaching meditation classes in 2003.  She is particularly drawn to intensive retreat practice, and has done a number of long retreats, both in the U.S. and Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. Andrea…

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