Reflections from Gil

Friday, March 21- Mindfulness of Emotions: online daylong with IRC with Gil

Friday, March 21- Mindfulness of Emotions: online daylong with IRC with Gil

1 day Mindfulness of Emotions Online Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal March 21, 2025,  Friday, 9:00 am (PT)  to 4:30 pm (PT) This daylong retreat will focus on mindfulness instructions for practicing with emotions. The day will include sitting and walking meditations, guided meditation, instructions and opportunities to ask questions of the instructor. The retreat will take place on IRC’s virtual Meditation Hall. After you apply, you will receive an email with a link to the website we use for our online retreats one…

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Ethical Sensitivity, essay by Gil Fronsdal

Ethical Sensitivity, essay by Gil Fronsdal

The ethical core of the Buddhist path is one of its most important features. Maturing on this path goes hand in hand with developing and strengthening this core. Ethics is about both behavior and motivation. Regarding behavior, ethics addresses some of the most challenging, interesting, and at times confusing aspects of our lives, including sex, money, security, power, truth, and questions of life and death. As for motivation, ethics addresses some of the most beautiful aspects of the human heart;…

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The Discourse on the Wheel-Turning Monarch

The Discourse on the Wheel-Turning Monarch

The early Buddhist Discourse that was the basis of the 2/9/25 Sunday  morning talk titled “Myths to Live By” can be find on the SuttaCentral website here. It is the 26th discourse in the collection called The Long Discourses of the Buddha. As it is a translation, feel free to change some of the translation choices in the myth told in the discourse. For example, you could read it to it is more  gender neutral, or have more inspiring near synonyms…

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Buddha’s Guidance to Rulers

Buddha’s Guidance to Rulers

Rulers honor, respect, and venerate the truth, have truth as their banner and guide. They provide just protection and security for their court, troops, aristocrats, assistants, brahmins and householders, towns people and country people, ascetics and brahmins, animals and birds. They do not let injustice prevail in the country. They provide support for the poor.                              — The Buddha (from the Great Monarch Sutta; Long Discourses 26)  

Yearend Letter from Gil

Yearend Letter from Gil

Dear Friend, Thank you for your participation in IMC and IRC’s offerings,  in person and online. Your engagement—whether it’s listening to our talks, participating in our meditation and training sessions, attending our retreats, or meeting with a teacher or mentor—is invaluable to our success. Your engagement in our programs has inspired and encouraged us to continue to expand what we offer. We founded IMC with the motto, “Donations follow the practice.” This guiding principle has led us to prioritize creating…

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Our Practice is Designed for These Times

Our Practice is Designed for These Times

The greater our ups and downs, the greater the value of Buddhist practice. Rather than a practice to avoid challenges or to avoid celebration, it is a practice that prepares us to meet them wisely and calmly. We can meet all our inner life with honesty and goodwill so we can be wise and skillful. In all challenges, it is possible to find inner peace and freedom, equally open to grief and heartbreak as to joy and love. We can…

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Buddhist Prayer for Political Responsibility

Buddhist Prayer for Political Responsibility

As we participate in our democracy, may we be guided by the ten virtues of political leadership:   May we be generous, so everyone is supported. May we have integrity, so everyone trusts us. May we renounce selfish interest, so everyone benefits. May we be honest, so everyone hears what is true. May we be kind, so everyone can relax. May we have self-control, so everyone will be safe. May we be free of ill-will, so everyone can speak freely….

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Sati Center’s Chaplaincy Training Program taught by Gil and others

Sati Center’s Chaplaincy Training Program taught by Gil and others

In September 2024 IMC’s sibling organization, Sati Center is offering its 22nd yearlong INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHIST CHAPLAINCY. Started by Gil Fronsdal, Jennifer Block, and Paul Haller, this is an eleven month training in spiritual care skills that lay at the foundation of professional and volunteer chaplaincy work in such places as hospitals and prisons. It is also a training in basic spiritual and pastoral care offered in a Sangha, or Buddhist community. Since 2020, the original INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHIST CHAPLAINCY…

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Buddhist Eco Chaplaincy Training

Buddhist Eco Chaplaincy Training

With Gil Fronsdal, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Kirsten Rudestam, Ram Appalaraju, and Susie Harrington. Gil and the Sati Center is delighted to offer the fourth Buddhist Eco Chaplaincy (BEC) course starting in August 2024. This 18-month course offers a basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain, i.e., those who work to support people in developing healthy, compassionate, and mutually supportive relationships with each other and with the natural world. It will offer experience-based…

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Gil’s New Book Available: “Everything is Practice: A Guide to Insight Meditation Retreats”

Gil’s New Book Available: “Everything is Practice: A Guide to Insight Meditation Retreats”

Gil’s new book, “Everything is Practice: A Guide for Insight Meditation Retreats,” is now available on Amazon. Gil describes how to practice with the many facets of retreats including preparing for and leaving a retreat, Dharma talks, practice discussions, sleep, pain, meals, silence, and mindful attitudes. This book is a detailed and practical guide to understanding what to expect while on retreat, from a perspective of mindfulness.  

February 11: Zoom and In Person: The Dharma of Sangha – Gil’s Benefit for Insight Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz

February 11: Zoom and In Person: The Dharma of Sangha – Gil’s Benefit for Insight Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz

The Dharma of Sangha: Caring for the Future of ISC. A Benefit Event and Teaching with Gil Fronsdal Hybrid Event In Person physical location:740 Front St., suite 240, Santa Cruz, California Zoom link: 1:00—2:30 PM Teachings, 2:30 —4:00 PM Refreshments and Social Time. When Dharma is found in Sangha and Sangha supports Dharma practice, a Buddhist community grows and matures.These two principles have been central to the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City that Gil Fronsdal has led for the…

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Middle Length Discourses Course with Gil and Diana Clark; New Sati Center Course

Middle Length Discourses Course with Gil and Diana Clark; New Sati Center Course

A one of a kind course that offers a deeper appreciation and understanding of this fundamental text of the Pāli Canon as well as an opportunity to deepen practice through studying the words and life of the Buddha. The Middle Length Discourses course with Gil Fronsdal and Diana Clark was originally held over Zoom beginning in the summer of 2021 and ran through May 2023. It consisted of 49 classes and covered approximately 50 suttas, or about a third, of…

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Translation of Channa Sutta

Translation of Channa Sutta

Channa Sutta SN 22.90 Translated by Gil Fronsdal At one time, many elder bhikkus were living at Varanasi, in the Deer Park at Isipatana. Then in the evening, Venerable Channa emerged from seclusion. Taking a key, he went from monastic dwelling to monastic dwelling. Approaching the elder bhikkhus, he said, “May the elder bhikkhus instruct me! May the elder bhikkhus teach me! May the elder bhikkhus provide me a Dhamma talk so I can see the Dhamma.”  When this was…

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Non-IRC Retreat with Gil

Non-IRC Retreat with Gil

July 8 – 29: The Practice of Awakening: Zen Intensive Gil and Paul Haller.  Both the tradition of early Buddhism and the Zen tradition emphasize the Practice of Awakening. In this Intensive, which is held in Tassajara, a Zen center in the midst of the Ventana wilderness, we will practice and study the main principles of both traditions and explore how they can support awakening in everyday life. This three-week Intensive offers an opportunity for experienced meditators to engage in…

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12/10/22 Daylong Online Retreat: Mindfulness and the Inner Workings of the Four Noble Truths with Gil Fronsdal

12/10/22 Daylong Online Retreat: Mindfulness and the Inner Workings of the Four Noble Truths with Gil Fronsdal

December 10, 2022,  Saturday, 9:00 am  to 4:30 pm The fullest reach of mindfulness practice is the insight into the Four Noble Truths. This day of meditation practice will place mindfulness within the context of discovering this profound insight. The day will include sitting and walking meditation, instructions, a dharma talk, and an opportunity to ask questions of the teacher. The retreat will take place in our Zoom virtual Meditation Hall. You will receive an email with a link to the online retreat’s…

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