What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

Zoom: Weekly Sunday Sangha Meeting Following the Dharma Talk

Zoom: Weekly Sunday Sangha Meeting Following the Dharma Talk

Weekly on Sunday: 10:45 – 11:30 am on Zoom Build and maintain community by connecting online with other IMC sangha members to discuss the Sunday dharma talk and share about our Buddhist practices. Please join us on Zoom each Sunday following the dharma talk at approximately 10:45 am for about 45 minutes for breakout rooms and/or large group discussions. Facilitated by Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, IMC sangha members. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84009542053?pwd=V09IOXJhOHZ2TnovMGpiK2s3V243Zz09 Meeting ID: 840 0954 2053 Passcode: Sangha…

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Small Group Practice Discussions with IMC Teachers/Dharma Leaders

Small Group Practice Discussions with IMC Teachers/Dharma Leaders

We are offering once-weekly opportunities to connect with IMC and other practitioners in a small group setting via Zoom. IMC teachers/Dharma Leaders will answer questions and offer supportive teachings and practices. Emphasis will be on what is arising for participants in meditation and daily life. Take advantage of the small group format (8 persons) for connecting with fellow practitioners. Listen to one another as we talk about dharma practice, feelings and experiences. Meetings are offered at different times and with…

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The Words of the Buddha: Ongoing Class on the Middle Length Discourses

The Words of the Buddha: Ongoing Class on the Middle Length Discourses

Ongoing Class on the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha With Gil Fronsdal and Diana Clark Intermittent Thursdays on Zoom, 3:30–4:30 p.m. with optional Q&A 4:30–5:00 p.m. Pacific time 1st Theme: Introduction to the Majjhima Nikaya (Middle-Length Discourses) – Aug 5 2nd Theme: Relating to the Teachings – August 19, 26, and September 9, 2021 3rd Theme: Faith – September 30, October, 14, 21, 28 4th Theme: The Path – Nov. 11, 18, Dec. 9, and 16 5th Theme: The…

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Donations for Haiti

Donations for Haiti

From Friday, August 20 through Sunday, August 22, online donations to IMC will be given to Partners in Health, a non-profit doing important grassroots healthcare and assistance to the people of Haiti. To donate through IMC, donate here.  Use the  IMC/Audiodharma option. There is no special “Haiti” button by which to donate. Everything donated to IMC/Audiodharma through Sunday will be given to Partners in Health. Thank you!

Ongoing Class on the Middle Length Discourses

Ongoing Class on the Middle Length Discourses

Studying the Words of the Buddha: Ongoing Class on the Middle Length Discourses With Gil Fronsdal and Diana Clark Intermittent Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. A Sati Center program On Zoom (IMC is not open for in-person events at this time) First Series: August 5, 19, 26, and September 9 Please register here so we can send you future dates, the assignments, and the study guides for each class. You will also receive the Zoom link. 1st Themes: Intro to…

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Discourse on Loving-Kindness

Discourse on Loving-Kindness

Metta Sutta translated by Gil Fronsdal To reach the state of peace One skilled in the good Should be Capable and upright, Straightforward and easy to speak to, Gentle and not proud, Contented and easily supported, Living lightly and with few duties, Wise and with senses calmed, Not arrogant and without greed for supporters, And should not do the least thing that the wise would criticize. [One should reflect:] “May all be happy and secure; May all beings be happy…

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June 6, Sharon Salzberg Speaking with Insight World Aid

June 6, Sharon Salzberg Speaking with Insight World Aid

https://insightworldaid.orgInsight World Aid, a Buddhist humanitarian organization that started at IMC and one on which I am on the Board is sponsoring an online conversation with Sharon Salzberg. Sharon was one of my important Vipassana teachers and a teacher who continues to inspire. On Sunday, June 6, 1 -2 pm PT (4-5 pm ET) , IWA board member Roxanne Dault will host a discussion with Sharon Salzberg on a trauma-informed mindfulness training program for survivors of gun violence. The hour will include a…

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IMC Speaks Out Against Anti-Asian Violence

IMC Speaks Out Against Anti-Asian Violence

This statement is also available in PDF format We are heartbroken by the horrific surge in relentless, unprovoked harassment and violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Since March 2020, the Stop AAPI Hate organization reports nearly 4,000 incidents of anti-Asian hate, of which nearly 44 percent occurred in California—and many more cases go unreported.  The Insight Meditation Center (IMC) and its community open our hearts to the pain of anti-Asian hate, bearing witness to the suffering and…

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May 4th; Buddhist Memorial Supporting Asian-Americans

May 4th; Buddhist Memorial Supporting Asian-Americans

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT A large number of Buddhist centers and teachers from around the US are gathering online on May 4th to memorialize the recent violence against Asian-Americans. IMC and Gil are sponsoring partners for the event titled “May We Gather: A National Buddhist Memorial Ceremony for Asian American Ancestors.” The ceremony will be lived stream on the website, https://www.maywegather.org This website has more information.

Gil’s Upcoming Retreats

Gil’s Upcoming Retreats

I am teaching few meditation retreats from March through October.  Those scheduled are below.  I might add one in June and one in August atthe Insight Retreat Center. April 19 to May 8. At San Francisco Zen Center, I am teaching with Fu Schroeder and Paul Haller, two senior Zen teachers and long-time friends. Called “The Harmony of Zen and Vipassana” it will consist of meditation, talks, and discussions on the relationship between Zen and Vipassana practice.  Details and schedule…

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Buddhism in Nature

Buddhism in Nature

By Gil Fronsdal When the Buddha, at age 29, left his palace life to seek liberation, he spent most of his remaining fifty–one years living in the forests, woodlands, and parks of Northern India. These natural settings were the incubator for both his awakening and his teaching. The important connection he saw between nature and the practices he taught is encapsulated in his emphatic instruction to meditate in the forest at the foot of a tree. He claimed that as…

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Audiodharma User Survey

Audiodharma User Survey

Audiodharma is in need of an upgrade and our volunteers have been working hard to do so.  They now have a new beta version of our website and would value all levels of users to evaluate the new site. This survey is an opportunity for a wide range of the community to do a self-paced evaluation of the progress on the new AudioDharma website. It is also a way of identifying people who might be experiencing difficulties or differences in accessing our…

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The Buddha as an Activist

The Buddha as an Activist

The Buddha as an Activist By Gil Fronsdal What has been taught by the Buddha is to act for the welfare of many people, for the happiness of many people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of many people.[1]   The Buddha clearly and actively advocated for the welfare of the whole world, including encouraging his followers to work for “the benefit, welfare, and happiness of many people.” In this way, he was an “activist.” However, living in the Bronze…

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