What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

Article: “Going for Refuge” by Gil Fronsdal

Article: “Going for Refuge” by Gil Fronsdal

All of Buddhism flows from the Buddha’s awakening. This is so important that the title “Buddha”, meaning “One Who is Awake”, comes from bodhi, the Buddhist word for awakening. Often, because Buddhism is a path by which others may experience this awakening, this goal is what is emphasized in Buddhist teachings. In practice, however, for many Buddhist practitioners ‘going for refuge’ can involve a change of heart and mind as consequential as awakening itself. There are two modern meanings of…

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The Torments of Mind: Greed, Ill-will and Delusion

The Torments of Mind: Greed, Ill-will and Delusion

with Ines Freedman 3 Tuesday Mornings: Sept 6,13,20 9:30-11:00 The kilesas are known as the defilements or torments of the mind –– they are greed, aversion or ill–will, and delusion. They are the primary roots of suffering in our lives, and are the central forces that Buddhist practice is meant to overcome. We will explore how these unconscious roots affect our lives, and how seeing them clearly and developing their opposites can lead to freedom. Ines Freedman’s biography

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal

Wednesdays Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2. 7:30pm-9pm Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life,…

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Mindfulness of Mind Daylong with Andrea Fella

Mindfulness of Mind Daylong with Andrea Fella

Saturday August 27, 9:30am to 4:30pm Taught in the style of U Tejaniya. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many distractions that get in the way of clear seeing and for developing a continuity of awareness. We will explore relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one’s experience. The retreat will alternate periods of sitting & walking with instructions and discussion. The day will be primarily in…

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Daily Life practice with Andrea Fella

Daily Life practice with Andrea Fella

Sunday August 21 1:30-5pm, Monday-Friday August 22-26 7:30am -9am and 7:30pm-9pm, Saturday August 27 9:30am-4:30pm Integrating practice into our daily lives can be difficult. Many of us need support for this challenging but rewarding aspect of practice. We will integrate formal practice and Dharma discussion with our daily life by surrounding our usual workweek and workdays with practice and discussion. We begin with a half-day retreat with instructions and discussion on Sunday, and end with a daylong retreat on the following…

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Daylong: Not Clinging to Anything in the World-The Path and Fruit of the Buddha’s Teaching w/Will Kabat Zinn

Daylong: Not Clinging to Anything in the World-The Path and Fruit of the Buddha’s Teaching w/Will Kabat Zinn

Saturday August 6, 9:30am to 5pm The Buddha taught that it is not the world itself that holds us in bondage, but our own misguided relationship to it.   In this daylong we will look closely at how we relate to our own experience and explore the possibility that liberation lies not in fundamentally altering ourselves or the world but in learning to meet all experience without clinging or aversion.  Suitable for all levels. Bring lunch. Will Kabat-Zinn’s biography

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Ines Freedman

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Ines Freedman

Saturday July 9, 9:30am to 3:30pm Introducing the basic practice of mindfulness, with direction in mindfulness of the breath, body, emotions, thoughts, walking and eating. There will sitting and walking meditation and discussion. Suitable for both beginners and those wanting to review the basics of practice.  Bring lunch. Ines Freedman’s biography

Eight Month Dharma Practice Program with Gil Fronsdal: The Brahma Viharas

Eight Month Dharma Practice Program with Gil Fronsdal: The Brahma Viharas

Dharma Practice Series: Fridays, 9:30am – 3:30pm 2011 September 9 Metta(Lovingkindness) October 7      Metta(Lovingkindness) November 4 Karuna(Compassion) December 2 Karuna(Compassion) 2012 January 6   Mudita(Appreciative Joy) February 3 Mudita(Appreciative Joy) March 2      Upekkha(Equanimity) March 30    Upekkha(Equanimity) Starting September 9th, IMC is offering a eight month program of practice and study of the four Brahma Viharas or Sublime Abidings.  These are Loving Kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Equanimity.  Each daylong session will include meditation, teachings, and…

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Viviendo en el Presente. Ensayos sobre la Práctica Budista de la Atención Plena

Viviendo en el Presente. Ensayos sobre la Práctica Budista de la Atención Plena

Miércoles 31 de Agosto, 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.  Insight Meditation Center 108 Birch Street, Redwood City, CA 94062 Se ofrecerán lecturas  del libro y tendremos una discusión en español. La intención de nuestro centro es de establecer y cultivar el contacto con la comunidad hispana. El libro se ofrecerá gratuitamente.  IMC will host the presentation of the Spanish translation of Gil Fronsdal’s The Issue at Hand. Translation by Andrew Wallace.

Open House at our new Insight RETREAT Center

Open House at our new Insight RETREAT Center

When: Saturday July 16, 10:00am to 5:00pm Where: 1906 Glen Canyon Rd., Santa Cruz  map Join us at our new retreat center and tour the facility and grounds and learn of our plans. Refreshments will be served. Please carpool if possible. Carpool or questions: email Debra Chromczak or call her at (831) 421-0876

“The Insight Retreat Center” from Gil Fronsdal

“The Insight Retreat Center” from Gil Fronsdal

Dear Friend, It is rare that I make a direct request for donations.  All that we offer at the Insight Meditation Center (IMC) we offer freely; a person can participate in our programs for a long time and never hear any request for money.  Now I would like to make an exception and ask you to consider making a donation to help transform our newly purchased property into a residential retreat center. This year is our time of greatest opportunity…

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