What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

Hidden Villa Meditation Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Hidden Villa Meditation Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Sunday, Sept. 11 to Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011 Hidden Villa , 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 This is a silent mindfulness retreat for experienced meditators who are comfortable with periods of independent practice.  Instruction, Dharma talks, and interviews with Gil will support the meditator’s independent insight practice. RETREAT FULL AND WAITLIST CLOSED Flyer Information Application Prerequisite: This retreat is for practitioners with previous Vipassana residential retreat experience and who have checked in with Gil Fronsdal about participation….

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“Passing It On 2011” is now available in print

“Passing It On 2011” is now available in print

“Passing It On” is now available for purchase as a paperback at Create Space and Amazon. “Passing It On” is a collection of writing and art by lay practitioners connected with the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, California.  It shows that helpful teaching can be found in the ordinary lives of lay practitioners.   The collection celebrates our everyday lives, but not in a way that ignores its complexity. The personal essays, short stories, poetry, and art explore the challenges we face and…

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Article: “The Relational and the Non-Relational Dimensions of Buddhist Practice” by Gil Fronsdal

Article: “The Relational and the Non-Relational Dimensions of Buddhist Practice” by Gil Fronsdal

Buddhism offers teachings, practices, and profound realizations for two different dimensions of life: the relational and the non-relational. Classically, these two were referred to as the conditioned and the unconditioned dimensions. A modern way of distinguishing them is to point out that the first has to do with that which occurs or exists only in relationship to other things. The second is that which is independent of any relationship to anything else. In human terms, the first involves all the…

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Series: Body and Mind with Andrea Fella

Series: Body and Mind with Andrea Fella

Five Thursday Evenings:  February 10,17, March 3, 10, 17 In this five week series, we will explore how mindfulness of the body can help us to become more familiar with our minds.  We will begin with mindfulness of the elemental nature of physical experience. Over the weeks of the course, we will explore a variety of mental processes, such as emotions, feeling tone, perception and knowing, and look at how we can become mindfully aware of these processes in relationship…

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Refuges Class with Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella

Refuges Class with Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella

Tuesdays, May 3 to June 14, 7 to 9pm No meetings on May 17, June 7 For those who would like to formally take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, we will have four classes exploring the meaning of “taking refuge.” Then, on the evening of June 14, we will meet for a sitting, dharma talk, and refuge ceremony. Those who have been in the refuge ceremony before are encouraged to come again to provide support and inspiration. Taking…

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Four Night Jikoji Retreat with Andrea Fella and Pamela Weiss

Four Night Jikoji Retreat with Andrea Fella and Pamela Weiss

August 10 – 14, 2011 RETREAT FULL Flyer Information Application Andrea Fella has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and, under Gil Fronsdal’s guidance, began teaching meditation classes in 2003.  She is particularly drawn to intensive retreat practice, and has done a number of long retreats, both in the United States and in Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. Andrea is especially drawn to the wisdom teachings of the…

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Community Meeting – Retreat Center Update

Community Meeting – Retreat Center Update

We were happy and surprised at the large, enthusiastic turnout at the community meeting Sunday. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, Gil described the property we are purchasing for the future “Insight Retreat Center.” He spoke about how, after 4 years of searching, we have finally found a property well suited for our vision of having a residential retreat center. Among the many positive aspects of this property is the very warm welcome we received when we…

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Creativity & Meditation with Carloyn Dille

Creativity & Meditation with Carloyn Dille

Saturday, April 2, 2011, 9:30am – 4:00pm In this day we’ll explore some of the practices that meditation and the creative arts share.  Through concentration, mindfulness, imagination, and energy we’ll deepen an open awareness of both meditation and creativity.  Bring materials for drawing and writing and a lunch. Carolyn is a poet and teacher, a Sati Center board member, and a Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leader.

Memorial Day Weekend Family Retreat: 3rd- 7th Graders and Parents with Gil Fronsdal, Rebekkah LaDyne, Liz Powell

Memorial Day Weekend Family Retreat: 3rd- 7th Graders and Parents with Gil Fronsdal, Rebekkah LaDyne, Liz Powell

Saturday May 28- Monday May 30, 2011 This retreat is now full. If you wish to be put on a waiting list, contact Liz Powell on the Application link below. Jikoji Retreat Center, Los Gatos. Flyer Information Application Practice together as a family during a relaxed weekend that will alternate structured retreat practice with hiking and sharing circles.  We will help to create the retreat together, from cooking to simple work projects, camping or sharing dorm rooms.  Families will be invited to…

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