What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

Young Adults’ Practice and Community Day

Young Adults’ Practice and Community Day

Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:30 to 5:30pm Join teachers Andrea Fella and Donald Rothberg for a half-day retreat on the theme “Integrating Practice and Daily Life.” As a follow-up to the November daylong for young adults, Twheet, this event is geared to build community among in a supportive environment for practitioners roughly 20-35yrs. This special event will be co-hosted by teachers Andrea Fella and Donald Rothberg and features a mix of sittings, short dharma talks, and opportunities for group discussion….

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Buddhism & 12 Steps with Kevin Griffin & Stephanie Tate

Buddhism & 12 Steps with Kevin Griffin & Stephanie Tate

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm The Buddha said craving is the cause of suffering. Twelve Step programs work with the deepest forms of craving. How can these two traditions come together to deepen our spiritual life?  Through a combination of traditional and contemporary Buddhist meditation practices, interactive exercises, lecture, and discussion, the day will explore the ways that Buddhism and the Steps complement each other. The day is open to all those interested. You need not be in…

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Introduction to Meditation Daylong Retreat with Ines Freedman

Introduction to Meditation Daylong Retreat with Ines Freedman

Saturday, November 13, 2010, 9:30am to 3:30pm Introducing the basic practice of mindfulness, with direction in mindfulness of the breath, body, emotions, thoughts, walking and eating. There will sitting and walking meditation and discussion. Suitable for both beginners and those wanting to review the basics of practice.  Bring lunch. Ines Freedman first became interested in meditation through her yoga practice in 1970. She has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 1985, with Gil Fronsdal being her primary teacher since 1995. She…

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Daily Life Practice Retreat w/ Andrea Fella

Daily Life Practice Retreat w/ Andrea Fella

Sunday, February 20 to Saturday, February 26, 2011 Integrating practice into our daily lives can be difficult. Many of us need support for this challenging but rewarding aspect of practice. We will integrate formal practice and Dharma discussion with our daily life by surrounding our usual workweek and workdays with practice and discussion. We begin with a half-day retreat with instructions and discussion on Sunday, and end with a daylong retreat on the following Saturday. During the week we will…

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Living As Nuns with Ajahns Anadabodhi and Santacitta

Living As Nuns with Ajahns Anadabodhi and Santacitta

Saturday, July 10, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm Ajahn Anandabodhi and Ajahn Santacitta will offer a window into their experience as Buddhist nuns in the lineage of Ajahn Chah. Sharing the challenges and blessings of living at the edge, where a longstanding Asian tradition meets the post modern Western world. Ajahn Anandabodhi was born in Wales in 1968. She trained in catering and also worked in environmental conservation, all the while looking for spiritual direction. Visiting Amaravati in 1990, she experienced…

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Hidden Villa Meditation Retreat with Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella

Hidden Villa Meditation Retreat with Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella

Sunday, March 20 to Sunday March 27, 2011 Hidden Villa , 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 Registration opens November 20, 2010 This retreat is currently full.  New applicants will be placed on a waiting list and notified if spots open up. Flyer Information Application Gil has practiced Zen and Vipassana since 1975 and has a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from Stanford. He has trained in both the Japanese Soto Zen tradition and the Insight Meditation lineage of Theravada…

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If you use Amazon…

If you use Amazon…

If you plan to buy anything from Amazon, please consider going through IMC’s Recommended books page to do so, or directly through this special Amazon link: IMC-IRC Amazon Smile People have purchased music, electronics, ink cartridges, small appliances, tofu… IMC receives a small percentage for any purchase that is made by anyone who enters Amazon through any of our book or Amazon Search links. You can use the links above or enter through any of the links on our Recommended…

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Support IMC through E-scrip

Support IMC through E-scrip

E-scrip is an effortless way of raising funds for IMC. If you register your grocery club card, and/or credit/debit cards with E-scrip, the participating merchants donate a small percentage of your purchases to our center. You keep all your credit card rewards. Register on-line at E-scrip. The Group ID is 238528

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Saturday, December 11, 2010, 8:30am to 5pm Practicing mindfulness on retreat is one of the foundations for maturing insight meditation. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many of the distractions that get in the way of clear seeing. Retreats also are a wonderful environment for developing a continuity of awareness for an extended period. This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand the basic practice of mindfulness; no instruction will be…

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Article: Friendship on the Path by Gil Fronsdal

Article: Friendship on the Path by Gil Fronsdal

It can be easy to think Buddhist practice is individualistic and solitary.  Teachings on being mindful of oneself and taking responsibility for one’s actions can seem to emphasize a focus on oneself.  The practice of sitting in meditation with one’s eyes closed can also suggest that Buddhism is about separating oneself from society.  While certainly an important part of the practice is personal and inwardly focused, this is only a part of what Buddhist practice is about.  A much more…

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Looking for Old Copies of our Newsletter

Looking for Old Copies of our Newsletter

Dear Sangha members, We are trying to complete our file of IMC’s newsletter, Insight. Our archive has all issues dating back to the year 2000, but we are missing the first two years or so. If you happen to have any issues from Vol. 1 #1 through Volume 2 #4 (ending in December 1999), could you contact Bill Kostura at saddhadhamma@gmail.com, or (650) 815-1174? Naturally we’d like originals, but copies would also be most welcome.

Retreat for Beginners with Carla Brennan and Ines Freedman

Retreat for Beginners with Carla Brennan and Ines Freedman

Friday, September 3 to Sunday, September 5, 2010 Jikoji Retreat Center, 12100 Skyline Blvd, Los Gatos CA 95033 Application Information Flier Note: The Registrar will be away June 1-13 and will process received applications only when she returns A silent mindfulness retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditation, as well Dharma talks, time for Q & A, and interviews with the teachers. There will be instruction in mindfulness of the breath, body, emotions, thoughts and walking. The retreat is suitable for…

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A Retreat for Meditation and Creativity with Carolyn Dille

A Retreat for Meditation and Creativity with Carolyn Dille

Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm This day is for all who wish to nurture creative engagement in their lives, and in their writing and visual arts practices. We’ll explore movement and stillness to cultivate the development of mindfulness and the flow of creative expression. Please bring materials for writing and drawing, and a lunch. Carolyn is a poet and writer who facilitates creativity retreats and workshops. She works with groups and individuals. She has been practicing Buddhist and…

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