What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

Saranaloka Foundation Benefit

Saranaloka Foundation Benefit

Sunday, November 15, 9:25am to 2:30pm IMC is hosting a benefit for the Saranaloka Foundation.  All dana for this Sunday will be donated to the Foundation. Regular sitting: Ajahn Anandabodhi and Ajahn Metta will be guest speakers 11 am: Meal offering to the monastics 12:30-2:30 pm: Saranaloka supporters’ meeting Saranaloka Foundation was established in 2004 to support nuns from Chithurst and Amaravati monasteries in England to come to the United States to teach. Since that time, and numerous visits later,…

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Sati Center: The Safety of the Island, Exploring the Nature of Nibbana with Ajahn Amaro

Sati Center: The Safety of the Island, Exploring the Nature of Nibbana with Ajahn Amaro

Sat, Oct 31: 9:30am – 5pm Beginning with an overview of the teachings on nibbana, Ajahn will elaborate on definitions the teachings of “non-self”. The afternoon will address the essential themes of attending to the deathless, unsupported consciousness and the unconditioned and non-locality. He will then discuss applications of the teachings to the Gradual Path, stream entry and the blessings of nibbana, followed by discussion.

Exploring Samadhi with Richard Shankman

Exploring Samadhi with Richard Shankman

Thursdays October 29 – November 19, 7:30 to 9pm Exploring Samadhi: Right Effort, Right Mindfullness, and Right Concentration of the Eight Fold Path with Richard Shankman In this 4-week series we will explore the understanding of these final three elements of the Eightfold Path, how they work together and how they apply in our meditation practice. Richard Shankman has been a meditator since 1970 and teaches at dharma centers and groups throughout the Bay Area. He is a co-founder of…

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Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong with Ines Freedman

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong with Ines Freedman

November 21, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm Introducing the basic practice of mindfulness, with direction in mindfulness of the breath, body, emotions, thoughts, walking and eating. There will sitting and walking meditation and discussion. Suitable for both beginners and those wanting to review the basics of practice. Bring lunch. Ines Freedman first became interested in meditation through her yoga practice in 1970. She has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 1985, with Gil Fronsdal being her primary teacher since 1995. She…

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Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Daylong Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

November 14, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Practicing mindfulness on retreat is one of the foundations for maturing insight meditation. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many of the distractions that get in the way of clear seeing. Retreats also are a wonderful environment for developing a continuity of awareness for an extended period. This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand the basic practice of mindfulness; no instruction will be…

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Teen Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

Teen Retreat with Gil Fronsdal

November 6, 1:00 – 4:00 pm Within Buddhism, meditation is one element of an integrated approach to living a wise and stress-free life. This retreat will include instruction and practice of meditation, and an introduction to the Four Noble Truths, the heart of Buddhist teachings. The Four Noble Truths point to a happiness and peace not tied to our experiences in life. Discovering this happiness brings balance through all the changes life can bring. There will be time for peer…

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Mindfulness of the Breath with Gil Fronsdal

Mindfulness of the Breath with Gil Fronsdal

Sat, October 17, 9:00am – 4:30pm Practicing mindfulness on retreat is one of the foundations for maturing insight meditation. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many of the distractions that get in the way of clear seeing. Retreats also are a wonderful environment for developing a continuity of awareness for an extended period. This is a daylong retreat with alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation, instruction in mindfulness practice and a dharma talk….

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Introductory Course in Mindfulness Meditation taught by Gil Fronsdal

Introductory Course in Mindfulness Meditation taught by Gil Fronsdal

Six Wednesday eveningsOctober 7 to November 11, 7:30 to 9PM Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment-to-moment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is also a…

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Dharma Practice Series: The Seven Factors of Awakening With Gil Fronsdal

Dharma Practice Series: The Seven Factors of Awakening With Gil Fronsdal

Fridays, 9:30am to 3:30pm Each of these Dharma Practice days will focus on one of the 7 factors of Awakening through teachings, meditation, and discussion. Everyone is welcome. Bring lunch. The dates for this event are: October 2, 2009: Mindfulness November 6, 2009: Investigation December 4, 2009: Energy January 22, 2010: Rapture February 26, 2010: Tranquility April 23, 2010: Concentration May 21, 2010: Equanimity June 4, 2010: Develop & Incorporate

Aging as a Spiritual Practice with Lewis Richmond

Aging as a Spiritual Practice with Lewis Richmond

Saturday, October 24, 9am to 4:30pm Assisted by Peter Schireson and Karen Geiger Zen teacher Lew Richmond will be offering a one-day workshop on “Aging as a Spiritual Practice.”  The experience of growing older is one important way we experience in our own bodies the fundamental Buddhist truths of suffering and impermanence: see Lew’s blog. The workshop will explore the connection between our own experiences of aging—loss, disappointment, loneliness, fear, as well as the positive aspects of gratitude, compassion, and…

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Ceremony of Remembrance and Love With Maria Straatmann

Ceremony of Remembrance and Love With Maria Straatmann

Friday, October 30, 7:30 to 9pm Anyone who has lost a family member, friend or other dear person over the last year is welcome to join us for a chance to remember and honor those who have died and who enriched our lives and community. With the Buddhist practices of mindfulness and compassion, we will have a period of silent sitting and rituals of remembrance, bereavement, and farewell.    Bring pictures or mementos for our altar of persons who you wish to…

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Daylong Retreat for People of Color with Spring Washam

Daylong Retreat for People of Color with Spring Washam

Saturday October 10: 9am to 4:30pm The joy of community! Please join us for a very special day of meditation and community building. This daylong will include periods of silent meditation, group discussion, sacred music and talks on the theme of the day which is community and sangha. Please invite all of your friends and bring a special dish for our potluck lunch! Spring Washam is a meditation teacher and co-founder of the East Bay Meditation Center. She has practiced…

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Article: Awakening to Dependent Origination

Article: Awakening to Dependent Origination

Deep, indeed is this dependent origination. It is through not understanding and penetrating it that people become entangled like a tangled ball of threads. —The Buddha (Long Discourse No. 15) When the Buddha awakened, he awakened to something. With the stilling of his mind and the dropping of his attachments, he awoke to Dependent Origination and attained liberation. This insight is the foundation of everything else he subsequently taught. The principle of Dependent Origination is that when anything arises dependent…

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