What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

CANCELLED: Half-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat — Saturday, November 11

CANCELLED: Half-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat — Saturday, November 11

Saturday, November 11, 2023: 9:30 am – 12:15 pm In-person only at IMC Offered by: Tanya Wiser This event has been cancelled. This half-day of mindfulness practice will include guided or lightly guided meditations, a brief dharma talk,  group discussion, and mindful activity. This is an opportunity to deepen your meditation and daily life practice, ask a teacher questions, and practice with other sangha members. Half-day Mindfulness meditation and practice are appropriate for beginners and those with more experience.  Registration…

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Retiro de un Dia en Español con Andrea Castillo — Saturday October 28

Retiro de un Dia en Español con Andrea Castillo — Saturday October 28

Saturday, October 28, 2023:  9:00 am – 4:00 pm In-person only at IMC Offered by Andrea Castillo Title: From Theory to Practice: Building a Bridge from the Teachings to Our Daily Challenges This daylong retreat will include guided meditations, dharma talks, and alternating periods of sitting and walking. We will engage in contemplations on living the Dharma. This daylong retreat is an opportunity to strengthen mindfulness, develop concentration, practice with the IMC community, and ask a teacher questions. This daylong is…

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Earth Care Meeting — Our Children’s Trust — Saturday October 28

Earth Care Meeting — Our Children’s Trust — Saturday October 28

Saturday, October 28, 2023, 8:30 – 10:00 am on Zoom Please join us in welcoming Our Children’s Trust, an inspiring organization that works to protect the Earth’s climate system for present and future generations by representing young people in their legal efforts to secure their right to a healthy atmosphere. Our Children’s Trust has recently successfully sued the state of Montana for its infringement on the rights of youth to a safe climate. Phil Gregory, an attorney on this case,…

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Mindfulness of the Body Daylong — Saturday Oct 21

Mindfulness of the Body Daylong — Saturday Oct 21

Saturday, October 21, 2023:  9:00 am – 4:00 pm:  in-person at IMC only Offered by: Kim Allen We’ve lived in or with our body for our whole life, but do we really know what it is? This daylong retreat explores mindfulness of the body through classical instructions in sitting and walking meditation. As we learn to experience the body more directly, concentration deepens and insights become available. The body can be a rich and surprising domain of practice. The day will include…

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In-Person Half Day Sangha Retreat and Traditional Japanese Tea Gathering — Saturday October 14

In-Person Half Day Sangha Retreat and Traditional Japanese Tea Gathering — Saturday October 14

Saturday, October 14, 2023:  10:00 am – 1:00 pm with Jan Messer and Barry Rothman and Nancy Hamilton In-person at IMC

 Half day sangha retreat led by sangha members, Jan Messer and Barry Rothman, and a Japanese tea gathering led by Nancy Hamilton. Hosted by the IMC Community Development Group. All are welcome to attend and take refuge in the jewel of sangha/spiritual community. This is an opportunity to fortify, grow and deepen our community experience through sitting meditation, a traditional…

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Metta Daylong Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori — Saturday September 30

Metta Daylong Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori — Saturday September 30

Saturday, September 30, 2023:  9:30 am – 4:30 pm In-person only at IMC Offered by: Nikki Mirghafori Metta or lovingkindness meditation is a foundational practice in our Buddhist tradition. It not only supports the development of insight practice, but can also be transformational in its own right. Metta is a gentle cultivation of kindness, friendliness, goodwill towards ourselves and all beings. We will spend this retreat day, which is held primarily in silence, with alternate periods of sitting and walking, supported with…

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Earth Care Meeting: The Climate Crisis, the Dharma and Wise Action — Saturday September 30

Earth Care Meeting: The Climate Crisis, the Dharma and Wise Action — Saturday September 30

Saturday, September 30, 2023, 8:30 – 10:00 am on Zoom Our sangha meetings bring a dharmic perspective to the climate crisis while we educate ourselves about wise actions to take to care for our home, the Earth. In this meeting we will meditate on our emotional and somatic responses to the current news about the climate crisis, practice lovingkindness for all beings and the Earth, and discuss the observance of Vipassana Earth Week—its meaning for our practice and the sangha….

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Upcoming Sati Center Events

Upcoming Sati Center Events

The Sati Center for Buddhist Studies is sponsoring the following events:   Exploring Samadhi and Jhana in Buddhist Meditation with Richard Shankman 2 Saturdays – September 23 & 30:  9:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Online via Zoom There is a wide range of views among teachers about the place of samadhi (concentration) in insight meditation. Some stress the importance of concentration while others teach that insight arises through mindfulness alone and do not give concentration any particular emphasis.Unraveling the…

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Fall Equinox Walk in Edgewood Park — Friday September 22

Fall Equinox Walk in Edgewood Park — Friday September 22

Friday, September 22, 2023:  11:00 am – 2:30 pm Where: Let’s meet in the Edgewood Park parking lot at 11am for a 4+ mile hike. What: We will celebrate this celestial event walking through local ecosystems with some periods of silence bringing our awareness to the present, paying attention to our senses. Join: Kristen Benson, a current Eco Buddist Chaplain cohort with Sati Center. A chaplain of the spiritual connection of people and the land/earth, who loves the earth and all…

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Daylong Retreat with Max Erdstein — Saturday September 16

Daylong Retreat with Max Erdstein — Saturday September 16

Saturday, September 16, 2023:  8:30 am – 5:00 pm In-person only at IMC Offered by Max Erdstein Practicing mindfulness on retreat is one of the foundations for maturing insight meditation. The simplicity, silence and support of retreats contribute to letting go of many of the distractions that get in the way of clear seeing. Retreats also are a wonderful environment for developing a continuity of awareness for an extended period. This particular daylong retreat is meant for people who already understand…

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Meditation and Wisdom Circle for Black Practitioners

Meditation and Wisdom Circle for Black Practitioners

Five Saturdays: October 7 – November 4, 2023  – 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Pacific Time Facilitator: Anne Roise On Zoom This five-session series provides a supportive space for Black practitioners to begin, refresh and strengthen their meditation and daily mindfulness practice. The sessions focus on the intersection of Buddhism and Black collective wisdom as the teachings of the Buddha are explored in the context of our unique experiences and expressions. The framework for the series is the Divine Abodes…

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August 26: Earth Care Meeting: Our Body as Earth, Earth as Our Body with Wendy Shakti Bell

August 26: Earth Care Meeting: Our Body as Earth, Earth as Our Body with Wendy Shakti Bell

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 8:30 – 10:00 am on Zoom Topic: Our Body as Earth, Earth as Our Body: From Nurturing Our Mother to Facing Her Distress in an Interconnected World What is your connection between your body and the earth? There is a cultural tendency to feel separate from the Earth. This presentation explores the intimate nature of this relationship using poetry and inviting contemplation. About Shakti Bell Half a lifetime ago, Shakti had a promising career in the…

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Individual Practice Discussions with IMC Teachers/Dharma Leaders

Individual Practice Discussions with IMC Teachers/Dharma Leaders

Several of IMC’s Dharma Leaders are offering an opportunity for an individual practice discussion each month. The sessions will provide a chance to process your sitting and daily life practice, ask questions, and be heard and supported. Please sign up for only one practice discussion per month so that everyone has an opportunity. Here is the link to sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044ba9ad2faaf85-imcpractice Please bookmark the link so that you can sign up for a session in future months. New sessions available are posted every two months towards…

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Embodying Awareness: Daylong Mindfulness Meditation Retreat—Saturday August 26

Embodying Awareness: Daylong Mindfulness Meditation Retreat—Saturday August 26

Saturday, August 26, 2023:  10:00 am – 4:30 pm in-person at IMC only Offered by: Dawn Neal To support the maturation of mindful awareness through instruction and continuity, you are invited to join this day of practice. Alternating sitting and walking meditation periods will be offered, as well as light guidance on mindfulness of breathing, body, emotions, thoughts, and choiceless receptive awareness. Recommended for people who have some meditation experience and have attended an introductory mindfulness meditation course (or similar), as well…

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Non-Residential Online Retreat with Andrea Fella

Non-Residential Online Retreat with Andrea Fella

Awareness and Wisdom Integrated Home Retreat (Online Zoom format) Taught by Andrea Fella Inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. November 12-18, 2023 (Sunday through Saturday) with two online sessions daily Registration is required:To register, click on this Registration Form.  For questions, contact Yosh Haggerty at yosh@insightretreatcenter.org.  After registration, you will receive the retreat details, including Zoom link information. This retreat is designed to integrate our mindfulness practice with our everyday activities. During this weeklong online retreat we will…

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