What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

De paseo con las emociones: 
Martes de agosto

De paseo con las emociones: 
Martes de agosto

Martes 1, 8,15, 22 y 29 de agosto; 6-7:30 pm (California) On Zoom con Sandra Sanabria Las emociones y estados emocionales son parte intrínseca de la naturaleza humana, de nuestro comportamiento y actividad mental normal.  Las emociones son parte del proceso que evalúa de manera automática cómo un evento puede impactarnos; surgen sin necesidad de pensarlas, hacen parte de los sistemas neuronales de nuestro cerebro para provocar una respuesta sin tener que detenerse a analizar. La emoción pone en marcha…

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Five-Week Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation in Chinese — Starts August 2

Five-Week Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation in Chinese — Starts August 2

Five Wednesdays, August 1 – 30, 2023: 7:00 – 8:30 pm On Zoom Offered by Ying Chen Basic instructions in mindfulness meditation is taught sequentially in this 5-week course. The course starts with mindfulness of breathing, followed by mindfulness of the body, emotions and thinking and concludes with a discussion on concentration and the application of mindfulness in daily life.  Each class has opportunities for Q&A with teachers. ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89121718233?pwd=d2cySDFYa1piOURpbVBOajBObFVtQT09 Meeting ID: 891 2171 8233 Passcode: 916509 Find your local…

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Saturday, July 22: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong

Saturday, July 22: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong

Saturday, July 22, 2023:  9:30 am – 3:30 pm: In-person only at IMC Offered by: Tanya Wiser Instructions and guidance on mindfulness of breath, body, emotions, and thoughts will be offered. The schedule consists of alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. Brief small group meetings will be offered with the teacher to answer questions about the meditation instructions. This daylong retreat is recommended for those new to practice and those who wish to review basic meditation instructions. No registration is…

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Saturday July 15: Daylong Online Retreat: The Heavenly Abodes

Saturday July 15: Daylong Online Retreat: The Heavenly Abodes

Saturday, July 15, 2023:  9:30 am – 3:30 pm On Zoom with Liz Powell  A full- day immersion in the formal practice of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity, supported by guided meditations, movement practice, brief dharma talks in the morning and late afternoon, and an optional group practice discussion. Suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners. Schedule: 9:30 – 9:40am — Welcome, framework for the day, and brief introduction to the Heavenly Abodes 9:40 – 10:25am — Guided loving-kindness meditation 10:25 – 10:45am —…

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Translation of Channa Sutta

Translation of Channa Sutta

Channa Sutta SN 22.90 Translated by Gil Fronsdal At one time, many elder bhikkus were living at Varanasi, in the Deer Park at Isipatana. Then in the evening, Venerable Channa emerged from seclusion. Taking a key, he went from monastic dwelling to monastic dwelling. Approaching the elder bhikkhus, he said, “May the elder bhikkhus instruct me! May the elder bhikkhus teach me! May the elder bhikkhus provide me a Dhamma talk so I can see the Dhamma.”  When this was…

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Präsenz und Achtsamkeit im sexuellen Leben

Präsenz und Achtsamkeit im sexuellen Leben

  Präsenz und Achtsamkeit im Sexuellen Leben  von Gil Fronsdal  Sexualität ist mehr als ein Lebensbereich, in dem wir kein Fehlverhalten begehen sollten, betont der Dharma- und Meditationslehrer Gil Fronsdal. Im sexuellen Ausdruck sieht er eine komplexe Form der Kommunikation. Psyche, Geschichte und Kultur spiegeln sich darin ebenso wider wie unsere Sichtweise von uns selbst und unser Verständnis von anderen. Grund genug, auch die Sexualität buddhistisch zu erhellen.   Sexualität ist tief in jedem menschlichen Leben verankert. Deshalb stellt die…

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2023 – 2024 Eightfold Path Program

2023 – 2024 Eightfold Path Program

Taught by Chris Clifford, Tanya Wiser, Liz Powell and others offered both in-person and on Zoom DATES: One Sunday a month 1:00 to 3:30 pm with a concluding daylong in June, 2024 Sundays 1:00 pm to 3:30 p.m. (Pacific); Sept 3, Oct. Nov. 5, Dec.3, Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12 Concluding daylong: June 22 The Buddha’s most explicit path of practice is the Eightfold Path—a set of eight practical approaches to bring Buddhist practice into…

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June 24: Earth Care Meeting: Hope, Fear and Being an Eco-Pilgrim with Kate Davies

June 24: Earth Care Meeting: Hope, Fear and Being an Eco-Pilgrim with Kate Davies

Saturday, June 24, 2023, 8:30 – 10:00 am on Zoom Together, we will explore the idea and experiences of being an eco-pilgrim in a world of climate disruption, growing social inequalities and pollution. Now, more than ever, we need a realistic sense of hope that is not based on attaining specific goals and results anytime soon. Instead, we need a more robust hope that is based on compassion, a deep trust in whatever happens, and the human capacity to respond…

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Summer Solstice walk in Edgewood Park — Wednesday June 21

Summer Solstice walk in Edgewood Park — Wednesday June 21

When and where: Wednesday, June 21st, 11:00 am Let’s meet in the Edgewood Park parking lot at 11 am for a 4+ mile hike. What: We will celebrate this celestial event walking through local ecosystems with some periods of silence bringing our awareness to the present, paying attention to our senses. There will be a sit spot with a ritual and a gathering together. Join: Kristen Benson, a member of the current Eco Buddist Chaplain cohort with Sati center. A…

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May 27: Earth Care Meeting: Dharma is the essence of nature; nature is the essence of dharma with Kirsten Rudestam

May 27: Earth Care Meeting: Dharma is the essence of nature; nature is the essence of dharma with Kirsten Rudestam

Saturday, May 27, 2023, 8:30 – 10:00 am on Zoom Kirsten Rudestam will speak on  “Dharma is the essence of nature; nature is the essence of dharma.” The 6th Zen Patriarch wrote, “Dharma is the essence of nature; nature is the essence of dharma.” In this talk and discussion, we’ll consider the intersection of Buddhist practice and nature. Why and how can practicing in nature inform and expand our meditation practice? How do we understand the dharma/nature of who we…

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Saturday May 27: In-Person Mindfulness Meditation Half-Day

Saturday May 27: In-Person Mindfulness Meditation Half-Day

with Tanya Wiser Saturday: May 27, 9:30 am – 12:15 pm In-person only at IMC This half-day of mindfulness practice will include guided or lightly guided meditations, a brief dharma talk, group discussion, and mindful activity. This is an opportunity to deepen your meditation and daily life practice, ask a teacher questions, and practice with other sangha members. Half-day Mindfulness meditation and practice are appropriate for beginners and those with more experience. Registration is not required. Bring lunch. 9:30 –…

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Saturday June 3: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong

Saturday June 3: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong

with Bruni Dávila Saturday: June 3, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm In-person only at IMC This daylong retreat will include guided meditations, dharma talks, and alternating periods of sitting and walking. Instructions and guidance on mindfulness of breathing, body, emotions, thoughts, and open attention will be provided. This retreat is an opportunity to strengthen mindfulness, develop concentration, practice with the IMC community, and ask a teacher questions. This daylong is appropriate for beginners and those with more experience. Bring lunch….

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May 28 First Monthly Post-Pandemic Summer Potluck

May 28 First Monthly Post-Pandemic Summer Potluck

Sunday May 28, 2023, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm In-person at IMC Open to all. You are invited to bring a vegetarian dish to share with several others. If you are unable to bring food, please bring yourself and enjoy the Sangha informally after the dharma talk Please join us!

May 13: Half-Day Online Meditation with Liz Powell

May 13: Half-Day Online Meditation with Liz Powell

with Liz Powell Saturday, May 13, 2023, 9:30am – 12:45pm On Zoom A half-day of mindfulness meditation together, supported by lightly guided meditations, movement practice, a brief dharma talk, and an optional group practice discussion. Half-days offer an opportunity for beginners as well as experienced practitioners to develop their practice with the support of community. No registration is needed; Zoom link is below. Schedule: 9:30 – 9:35   Welcome and framework for the half-day 9:35 – 10:15 Lightly guided meditation…

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