What’s New At Insight Meditation Center

Dharma Rocks Program for 3rd through 5th Graders Restarting October 16

Dharma Rocks Program for 3rd through 5th Graders Restarting October 16

The Dharma Rocks Program is restarting Sunday, October 18, 2022. Dharma Rocks Program (3rd through 5th Graders) (Sixth graders have the option of attending Dharma Rocks and/or Dharma Bodhis) Led by Camille Whitney and Tim Sandoe Third Sunday of the month from 11:15 am – 12:15 pm Meditation and mindfulness practice through games, stories, and art. Light snack provided. Parents/guardians can either drop off and pick up their kids, or wait at IMC. We ask that anyone attending be vaccinated…

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In-Person and YouTube: Daylong Mindfulness Meditation with Tanya Wiser and Kodo Colin

In-Person and YouTube: Daylong Mindfulness Meditation with Tanya Wiser and Kodo Colin

All-day mindfulness meditation retreat on Saturday, 10/1/22 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. This day-long retreat format allows for a number of meditation sessions in a single day which provides an opportunity to learn how to apply the instructions and to build momentum and continuity in mindfulness. The schedule consists of alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation.  Light guidance will be offered on mindfulness of breath, body, emotions, thoughts and open awareness practices.  Brief one-on-one meetings with the teachers…

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Seven Shining Jewels Program with Diana Clark (Oct 2022- May 2023)

Seven Shining Jewels Program with Diana Clark (Oct 2022- May 2023)

On Zoom; Sundays, 1:00 – 3:30pm Pacific Oct 16, Nov 13, Dec 18, Jan 15, Mar 5, Apr 2, May 7 The Buddha highlighted seven shining jewels as supports for awakening. These jewels, also known as the Seven Factors of Awakening, have an important role in our meditation practice, daily life, and the path of liberation. In this seven-month program, we will explore and practice with these jewels so that they can shine in our lives. We will spend one…

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2022-23 Deepening Meditation Program with Gil Fronsdal

2022-23 Deepening Meditation Program with Gil Fronsdal

TAUGHT BY GIL FRONSDAL On Zoom Mondays, 9:00 am-4:00 pm: 10/3, 10/31, 12/5, 1/6 (Friday), 1/30, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1.  Optional DMP online retreat: March 13-16; 9:00 am-4:00 each day The DMP is an eight-month program giving experienced practitioners the opportunity to delve into meditation practice and the Buddhist teachings and instructions for meditation. The program will utilize Anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing) as the reference for delving into practices and states of meditation related to the deepening of mindfulness, concentration, and insight.  We…

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September 10, In-Person and YouTube: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong with Tanya Wiser and Liz Powell

September 10, In-Person and YouTube: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Daylong with Tanya Wiser and Liz Powell

All-day introduction to mindfulness meditation on a Saturday, 9/10/22. This day-long retreat format allows for a number of meditation sessions in a single day which provides an opportunity to learn how to apply the instructions and to build momentum and continuity in mindfulness. The schedule consists of alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation.  Brief instructions and light guidance will be offered on mindfulness of breath, body, emotions, thoughts and open awareness practices.  Brief one-on-one discussions with the teachers to…

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September Earth Care Meeting with Special Guest Speaker Leo Steinmetz of Acterra

September Earth Care Meeting with Special Guest Speaker Leo Steinmetz of Acterra

Saturday, July 30, 2022 from 8:30 to 10 am PDT on Zoom. Today, we have a special guest speaker, Leo Steinmetz of Acterra. He will lead a Green@Home Workshop that focuses on reducing carbon emissions at home through electrification. Leo Steinmetz is the Beneficial Electrification Manager at Acterra, a nonprofit working on sustainability outreach, advocacy, and community-building around the Bay Area. Leo works on supporting people’s access to building electrification, through Acterra’s Green@Home workshop series and induction cooktop lending programs….

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Buddhist Chaplaincy Training starts in September

Buddhist Chaplaincy Training starts in September

WITH JENNIFER BLOCK, GIL FRONSDAL, AND PAUL HALLER 11-month training: September 2022–July 2023. An 11-month training program introducing a Buddhist perspective on spiritual care skills needed for being a chaplain or Buddhist teacher, or providing spiritual support for people in times of major life transitions and challenges. Registration required. Offered through the Sati Center (sati.org). More information found here. This is the twentieth year that Jennifer, Gil, and Paul are delighted to offer this program, a program that has benefitted…

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A note from Andrea about her sabbatical: August 2022-August 2023

A note from Andrea about her sabbatical: August 2022-August 2023

I am taking a year-long sabbatical from teaching starting in August, 2022, so I am stepping out of the regular teaching I have been doing online for IMC on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Both classes will continue through the year!  The Tuesday morning class will be held by Dawn Neal and Marjolein Janssen.  The Thursday evening class will be held by Ari Crellin-Quick and Lienchi Tran. People have been asking me what I will do on sabbatical.  I asked another teacher…

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Saturday, May 21, Introduction to the Field of Buddhist Chaplaincy

Saturday, May 21, Introduction to the Field of Buddhist Chaplaincy

Saturday, May 21, 2022, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm, with Vanessa Able,  Ram Appalaraju, Chenxing Han, Jennifer Lemas, and Kathryn Stark A half-day overview of a chaplain’s work of providing spiritual care and support for people in hospitals, hospices, prisons, and a wide variety of other settings. The work is wonderfully challenging and satisfying. In recent years, Buddhist practitioners have been experiencing chaplaincy as a powerful opportunity to practice engaged Buddhism, and for some, as a vocation and profession. Information…

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June 25: Earth Care Event: DharmaTalk by Thanissara

June 25: Earth Care Event: DharmaTalk by Thanissara

A monthly group, planning activities, exploring the eco implications of Buddhist teachings and and supporting each other in facing environmental challenges. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Earth Care group at EarthCareDharma@gmail.com UPCOMING EVENT: Dharma Talk with Thanissara Online via Zoom Earth Care Group, Saturday June 25, 2022, 8:30 to 10 AM PDT Climate crisis is affecting the entire planet and causing immense suffering to many demographics. Thanissara’s talk will cover skillfully participating in engaged Buddhism….

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Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Training with Gil and others

Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Training with Gil and others

Starting in July, Gil, Susie Harrington, Kirsten Rudestam, and Ram Appalaraju are teaching the third Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Training. This program offers basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain, i.e., those who work to support people in developing healthy, compassionate, and mutually supportive relationships with each other and with the natural world. It will offer experience-based activities and contemplative practices that deepen individuals’ own relationships with the natural world, as well as provide…

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4/30 Earth Care Group Activities Planned

4/30 Earth Care Group Activities Planned

Earth Day, April 22nd, 2022 marks the start of a monthly program on Zoom exploring our mutual interests, concerns, experiences, and planning activities, including community engagement.  You are invited to bring your enthusiasm, your learning, and your beginner’s mind. The first meeting is on Saturday, April 30, 1:00 – 2:30 pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83790169250?pwd=V040bnlOZWlVbjVJL0pyUVNvUldvdz09 Meeting ID: 837 9016 9250 Passcode: 974633

Volunteer Opportunities with the AudioDharma Transcript Team

Volunteer Opportunities with the AudioDharma Transcript Team

Additional volunteer editors are needed to join the Audio Dharma Transcript Team, co-coordinated by Leslie Kanno and Meg Gawler. We are planning a progressive process of recruiting new editors, and the pace will depend on our training capacity. The Audio Dharma transcript project aims to edit Gil Fronsdal’s short morning talks (dharmettes) in order to make transcripts available on Audio Dharma and out into the cybersphere. These talks are appreciated and used by teachers, sitting groups, and practitioners worldwide. Our…

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IMC’s January Schedule

IMC’s January Schedule

IMC’s online programs continue in January.  The Sunday morning and Monday evening sit and Dharma talk will only be online on YouTube for the first two weeks of January.  We plan to begin offering these in-person again starting Sunday, January 16. Only people fully vaccinated and fully masked will be able to come to the in-person events. Most likely people who have already registered their COVID card will need to do it again. More information will be posted here around…

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