Dhamma Lists

…(nama-rupa) From mind and matter come the six senses (salayatana) From the six senses comes contact (phassa) From contact comes feeling (vedana) From feeling comes craving (tanha) From craving comes clinging (upadana) From clinging comes becoming/existence (bhava) From becoming/existence comes…

How Mindfulness Works When Not Working

adapted from a talk by Gil Fronsdal January 1st, 2001 In practicing mindfulness, it can be helpful to remember that the practice can work even when it doesn’t work. Perhaps this is explained best through an analogy. Consider a mountain…

The Hindrance of Sloth and Torpor

…and torpor can be complacency. This can occur when we are lulled by comfort or misguided acceptance. Complacency may arise when meditation feels easy and comfortable. With the warm, fuzzy feeling that everything is okay, the mind can even drift…

Ethical Sensitivity

…from the heart, its good qualities increasingly guide us in making ethical decisions. Among the most important of these guiding qualities are freedom and compassion. Faced with an ethical choice, we can ask whether it both expresses compassion and helps…

Trading Candy for Gold: Renunciation as a Skill

…the mind can see through the processes of projection, perception, and misperception to the greater sense of freedom that comes when they are transcended, the basis for sensual passion is gone. At this stage, we can then turn to analyze…

The Four Right Exertions

by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, from “Wings of Awakening” pp. 105-108 https://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_index.html#wings The four activities included in this set show how effort can be applied to developing skillful qualities in the mind. The basic formula runs as follows: There is the case…

Introducción a la meditación con Sandra Sanabria — Mayo 2023

…de la comunidad. Las clases son apropiadas para personas principiantes y aquellas con alguna experiencia que desean apoyar o inspirar la práctica. No es necesario registrarse. Únete en zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86030275712?pwd=d3JVaEs2RWJDbm40TzBRR1dsYTlnZz09 ID de la reunión: 860 3027 5712 Contraseña: Respirando https://www.insightmeditationcenter.org/espanol/retiros-y-eventos-especiales/…