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…So, what it’s about is embracing the way you actually feel, which isn’t calm and peaceful. Student 4: Okay. So, that’s part of life, is feeling uncomfortable. It gets a lot more comfortable when we’re comfortable being uncomfortable. And, at…

Embracing Imperfection

…I hold on to, and I will laugh about it. It’s something that I can feel completely transparent and comfortable with, and yes it’s changed, maybe it’s not perfect, but I’m at ease with it, I’m at peace with it….

Online Community Q&A with Gil Fronsdal: March 2011

http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/1/talk/2356/venue/IMC/20110316-Gil_Fronsdal-IMC-online_community_q_a_with_gil_fronsdal_march_2011.mp3 Download Audio Hello, Gil, today is the time for the question and answer session for the month of March. You will be answering questions from the IMC Online Community. We have a series of questions.   The first one…

Buddhism 101 (Part 1)

…with the truth. We’re out of whack with the truth. That’s that kind of that out-of-round feeling. The ending of the dukkha is when we come into complete alignment with what is actually true, in this moment. No resistance, no…

Online Community Q&A with Gil Fronsdal: February 2011

Transcribed by: Elizabeth Paschall http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/1/talk/2279/20110202-Gil_Fronsdal-IMC-online_community_q_a_with_gil_fronsdal_february_2011.mp3 Download Audio Welcome, Gil, to our new question and answer session with you answering questions from the IMC online community. Gil: Great, nice to be with you again. We have quite a few questions today,…

The Container of Concentration

A Talk by Andrea Fella (IMC, September 7, 2010) (Transcribed and lightly edited by N. Willis) http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/2/talk/2018/20100907-Andrea_Fella-IMC-the_container_of_concentration.mp3 Download Audio Andrea: Good morning. I want to continue the conversation on concentration that we started last week. Today mostly I’d like to…

Online Community Q&A with Gil Fronsdal: December 2010

http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/1/talk/2210/20101208-Gil_Fronsdal-IMC-online_community_q_a_with_gil_fronsdal_december_2010.mp3 Download Audio Question: From Steve in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Especially early on, I picked up little practices from Buddhist traditions other than vipassana, such as meditating on various images. What are your thoughts on integrating or experimenting with such…


A Talk by Ines Freedman (IMC, December 22, 2010) (Transcribed and lightly edited by S.C.L. Eiler) http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/57/talk/2205/20101222-Ines_Freedman-IMC-concepts.mp3 Download Audio Good morning. I want to talk just a little bit about concepts. Buddhism has a whole bunch of lists, and each…

Taking Refuge

…these words, how can they help? I went to my teachers during the interviews and this was really very up in my mind. I’d meditate but this would come up; it just kept coming up. I said, “what does it…

Karma and Intention

…people to make ourselves safer, or we are always trying to make ourselves as comfortable as possible in every possible situation as we are driven by comfort. There are many very common habits that we have that represent a certain…

Judgmental Mind

A Talk by Ines Freedman (IMC, July 7, 2010) (Transcribed and lightly edited by S.C.L. Eiler) http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/57/talk/1965/20100707-Ines_Freedman-IMC-judgmental_mind.mp3Download When I first started practicing mindfulness, one of the first things I noticed was the constant nattering of my thoughts in my head,…

Online Community Q&A with Gil Fronsdal: August 2011

http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/1/talk/2516/venue/IMC/20110805-Gil_Fronsdal-IMC-online_community_q_a_with_gil_fronsdal_august_2011.mp3 Download Audio Welcome, Gil, to the question and answer session with the IMC online community. We have had lots of people communicating with us about how interested they are in these sessions. And they are also expressing great gratitude…


A Talk by Ines Freedman (IMC, August 11, 2010) (Transcribed and lightly edited by S.C.L. Eiler) http://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/57/talk/2041/20100811-Ines_Freedman-IMC-clinging.mp3 Download There’s some tension in it, and inherently there’s an urge to do something; and so that’s why sometimes people use the expression,…