Training in Buddhist Chaplaincy – Sept.-June

…four years of committed practice. Its aim is to provide a strong foundation in Buddhist chaplaincy for volunteer chaplains, those working toward being professional chaplains, and those serving the pastoral needs of their local sanghas. Information: , or…


…of cause and effect to make a change. There is an interesting place in the suttas where someone comes to the Buddha and asks questions about this. There are some wonderful dialogues where someone comes and asks Buddha questions. Here,…

Buddhist Spiritual Care Symposium

Saturday, October 16th, 2010, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Welcoming Buddhist chaplains and those interested in deepening their spiritual care practice for a day of learning and community-building. Fleet Maull will will share about prison Dharma and Rev. Judith Finely…

Buddhism 101 (Part 3)

…is the craving, the wanting things to be other than they are — by letting go of that wanting and completely understand the suffering (by this we mean really understanding how suffering comes to be – what the conditions and…

Online Community May 2012 Q&A

…have occasion to come to the Bay area will come down and make a visit to IMC. And at the end of the talk I give, they will often come over and introduce themselves and talk a little bit about…

Feb. 2012 Online Community Q & A with Gil Fronsdal

…the Insight Retreat Center and its progress that would interest the members of our community. GIL: Hi, Marguerite, it’s nice to see you again and be asked questions from the online communities connected to IMC. A big project the Insight…

Concentration Retreat

…meditation object for extended periods of time. We will explore the factors of concentration that lead to the deep absorption states known as jhana. Teachers will also give instruction for utilizing concentration during insight practice. For further information see:…


With bruni dávila On Zoom First and Third Sunday of every month, 5:00 – 6:00 pm. To join us online or be added to the mailing list, contact A message will be sent to you with the Zoom link….

Dharma Friends

…events via e-mail: Go to and follow the instructions under “subscribe to receive e-mail updates”. [ Add to Calendar ] September 29, 2024 2:00 pm – 4:15 pm Come join Sona Strummers this Sunday as we bring Joy to…

Dharma Friends Event Planning

…study, socially responsible living, current events Exercise together If you would like to host any of these events or some other spiritually enriching activity please contact us at We can provide help with planning, promoting, and technical support all…

Dharma Circle for People of Asian Background

…discussion and community activities. We intend to provide a safe, friendly, and nourishing environment. Open to all self-identified people of Asian or South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian and Pacific Islander background. No registration required. For more information contact….

Passing it On 2009

…lay life. “As he was sitting there, Ven. Ananda said to the Blessed One, ‘This is half of the holy life, lord: admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie.’ ‘Don’t say that, Ananda. Don’t say that. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable…

Eventos Especiales

… El cupo es limitado. Compromiso de asistir a las seis sesiones y participación activa. Leer los 2 o 3 discursos asignados y ensayos de estudio de Gil Fronsdal para cada sesión (aproximadamente 15 a 20 páginas de lectura por…