
A Talk by Ines Freedman (IMC, August 11, 2010) (Transcribed and lightly edited by S.C.L. Eiler) Download There’s some tension in it, and inherently there’s an urge to do something; and so that’s why sometimes people use the expression,…


…the lives of lay practitioners is not so easy to understand. Lay practitioners are not asked to renounce money, sex, or a varied wardrobe, or to shave their heads or not eat after noon. Yet renunciation remains important -although we…

The Heart of Ethics: The First Precept

…also about what we do. The Buddha associated the first precept with the practice of generosity in the following teachings: Abandoning the taking of life, one abstains from taking life. This gives freedom from danger, freedom from hostility, and freedom…

The Heart of Ethics: The First Precept

…Mindfulness, love, compassion, generosity and wisdom are all companions to the first precept. In addition, freeing ourselves from the distortions of selfishness, greed, or aversion creates the conditions for naturally wanting to avoid harming. As a Buddhist practice, the first…

Recurring Events

…can access it on the IMC website at Alternatively, you can also access it directly on YouTube at you’d like to donate to the teacher or to IMC, you can do so at IMC’s donation page. [ Add…

Non-Residential Retreats

…on this retreat. The retreat is freely offered, and your check will not be cashed unless you cancel after May 10 or fail to show up. For details and to register, see the registration form. For questions, email ….

New Android and iphone Audiodharma apps!

…App which is now available for Apple iPhones/iPads and Google Android devices. The Audiodharma homepage has a direct link to download the app. Any feedback can be sent directly to Christopher or through the Apple store or Google Play….

The Ordinary and the Seven Factors of Awakening

…on a straight, traffic–free freeway. Many people have found delight in the sense of freedom a car can provide. And a few people have discovered how to be happy and calm even in rush hour traffic by tapping into a…

The Five Faculties

…in such a way as to be freed from it. He described five faculties that we need to develop to do so: confidence, effort, mindfulness, concentration, and discernment. These five qualities are present in varying degrees in almost every activity….

Ethics and Reconciliation Council

…be recommended. 3) Forming a Grievance Committee When a complaint is accepted, one member of the EAR Council will convene and facilitate a Grievance Committee to investigate, issue findings, and render a decision on the complaint. The facilitator will be…

Information for Newcomers

…of the meditation session. Dress There are no dress requirements; however, we encourage participants to wear comfortable clothing. No shoes are worn in the carpeted meditation hall or conference room. Shoes are OK in the community hall and other non-carpeted…

Intro to Meditation Classes

Self-Guided Courses: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (9-part series) « Prev 1 / 2 Next » Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (1 of 9) with Gil Fronsdal Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (2 or 9) with Gil Fronsdal Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (3…

Featured Videos

More videos are available on IMC’s YouTube channel. March 22, 2020…

Live Video with Chat

…of our audio recordings (and most video) is available on For now, live chat is being tested. Chats can only be read, not added to, on this page. To participate in the chat, go to our YouTube channel,….

Dharma Talks & Dharmettes

Video recordings of IMC talks. For audio recordings, please visit Sunday and Monday Dharma Talks « Prev 1 / 65 Next » Wise Efforting ~ Diana Clark The Attitude We Bring ~ Diana Clark Eight Worldly Winds with Jim…

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation- test page

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (9-part series) « Prev 1 / 2 Next » Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (1 of 9) with Gil Fronsdal Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (2 or 9) with Gil Fronsdal Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (3 of 9)…

Dharma Support

…someone’s home at the best time for the majority. Participants are asked to commit for the full six months. The next round of neighborhood discussion groups will be announced in the IMC newsletter. For more information, contact Hilary Borison:


…Memorial Day Weekend residential family retreat and publishing Gil’s book, The Issue at Hand, for free distribution, are funded through our year-end fundraising. We believe our dana system works best if we operate comfortably within our financial means. We have…

IMC’s Financial Model

…maintaining our websites, supporting our Memorial Day Weekend residential family retreat and publishing Gil’s book, The Issue at Hand, for free distribution, are funded through our year-end fundraising. We believe our dāna system works best if we operate comfortably within…

The Action of Non-Action

…actions are consequential and we can choose actions that lead to greater peace, freedom, and compassion. Despite this emphasis on action, Buddhism does put primary emphasis on two forms of non–doing: non–craving and non–clinging. The Buddhist path of liberation aims…


…more than one teacher or category, please specify teacher(s) or categories and amounts. Matching Gifts Please consider exploring matching-gift opportunities that may be available from your employer. If your company has a matching gift program, send your company’s matching gift…