From the Eightfold Path to the Tenfold Path

…experienced when we don’t live the path. The benefits include greater peace, compassion, well-being, integrity, and spiritual freedom. The suffering includes agitation, fear, conceit, greed, and hostility. The more strongly we experience the benefits, the more clearly we see the…

Dana in the Western Insight Meditation Movement

by Gil Fronsdal, 2000 – 2001 And what is the accomplishment of generosity? Here, a noble disciple dwells at home with a mind free from stinginess, freely generous, open-handed, delighting in relinquishment, one devoted to charity, delighting in giving and…

Responding to Tragedy

compassion. A tremendous motivation to change the world for the better can arise out of compassion. I believe that compassion is a more effective motivation than aversion. The other response is called samvega, which is the passion for practice. In…


…not about answering these questions but about resolving the fear that motivates the questions. Rather than providing security through religious knowing, Buddhist practice calls on us to become free from attachment to security, free from the need to know. A…

Buddhist Spiritual Care Symposium

…from Final Passages will talk about Home Funerals and Natural death care. Vegetarian lunch included. Presented by Buddhist Chaplains Group. Pre-registration at or call Bill Hart: 415 -567-9823 Acharya Fleet Maull is a senior teacher in both the Shambhala…

Mindfulness Meditation as a Buddhist Practice

…practice is to liberate the heart so there are no barriers, shackles, or constrictions to our heart’s freedom. Usually freeing the heart begins in small steps, each bringing a corresponding peace. Freed completely, the heart is completely at peace. Complete…

Dharma Confidence

…is a confidence by which we become free in ourselves and compassionate to others. In the language of the Buddha, we are no longer “dependent on others” (aparapaccaya) but capable of “service to others” (parakamma). In conclusion: When we keep…

Letter from our new Volunteer Director

… I’m also happy to hear from you with any suggestions for improvements. IMC is such a strong community because of the caring and commitment each of you offers. Thank you for all you do. –Hilary Borison, Volunteer Director

Notes on Patience

It comes from the Latin “pati” which means “to suffer”. Dictionary definitions: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint; able or willing to bear; manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain; not hasty or impetuous; steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or…

The Many Ways to Sweep

…my foraging trips, I would pass by the monastery while the monks were out sweeping the leaves from the many pathways. The first time I saw the monks working, I was mesmerized in watching them going about their work. For

The Many Ways to Sweep

…my foraging trips, I would pass by the monastery while the monks were out sweeping the leaves from the many pathways. The first time I saw the monks working, I was mesmerized in watching them going about their work. For

Livestream with chat

The live chat on this page is hosted on IMC’s YouTube channel: To add to this chat, you must be logged in to a Google or YouTube account. Popup blockers should be disabled for best results….

What is the Dharma?

by Gil Fronsdal The Dhamma well proclaimed by me is clear, open, evident, and free of patchwork —The Buddha The teachings of the Buddha are often referred to as the “Dharma.” This word is closely associated with “truth”—a truth that…

Much Ado about Nothing

…that we are passive or uncaring. Compassion and the wisdom to act effectively can work through us unimpeded when we are free of attachments to identity, opinions, and possessions. Wonderful things can happen when we appreciate the power of nothing….


obtained, Neither’s virtue purifies the offering. When, with a trusting heart, believing in a good outcome, A virtuous person gives to a virtuous person a gift rightly obtained, That gift will come to full fruition. When with a trusting heart,…

The Hindrance of Ill Will

…mindfulness examines this impulse to preoccupation. Through sufficient investigation, understanding, and non-reactivity, the hindrances can lose their power to hinder us or take control of our attention. With enough insight, we can even become free of them. Ill will, or…

Mindful Self-Compassion – Eight-Week Course

…benefits of self-compassion Common misgivings about self-compassion Why self-acceptance is more beneficial than self-esteem How to activate our “tend and befriend” nature and direct it inward When connecting to our common humanity reduces feelings of separation If you would like…

Privacy Policy

…posted cancellation date is typically three weeks before the retreat starts. Online Profile and Privacy We will not collect personal information from you when you visit our website unless you provide the information to us voluntarily and knowingly. Any shared…

Eventos Especiales

… El cupo es limitado. Compromiso de asistir a las seis sesiones y participación activa. Leer los 2 o 3 discursos asignados y ensayos de estudio de Gil Fronsdal para cada sesión (aproximadamente 15 a 20 páginas de lectura por…

Earth Care Meeting: A Biologist’s Take on Climate Change and CO2 Removal with Barry Rothman — Saturday February 24

…incarcerated. Hosted by: IMC Earth Care Group If you have any questions, please contact the Earth Care group at Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 4547 9739 Passcode: 786010 One tap mobile +16699009128,,89645479739#,,,,*786010# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,89645479739#,,,,*786010# US…