Earth Care Meeting: Rewilding Our True Nature with Carla Brennan — Saturday May 25

…brief meditation, a presentation and group discussion. If you have any questions, please contact the Earth Care group at Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 4547 9739 Passcode: 786010 One tap mobile +16699009128,,89645479739#,,,,*786010# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,89645479739#,,,,*786010# US…

The Paramis: A Historical Background

…of the Mahayana, around the start of the common era, when the bodhisattva ideal gained more widespread popularity among practitioners. With the growth of interest in the bodhisattva path, Theravadin scholars responded from within their tradition. For example, there is…

Doubting Doubt: Practicing With the Final Hindrance

…and giving up. Questioning doubt inspires action and the impulse to understand. It can, in fact, be helpful for mindfulness practice. A questioning attitude encourages deeper investigation. It is a healthy doubt that can overcome complacency and loosen preconceived ideas….

Anatta and the Four Noble Truths

components. It had to have complete control over the body, feelings, thoughts, impulses, intentions, consciousness, or perceptions. It had to be permanent. And it had to be blissful. In this discourse, the Buddha makes it clear that nothing in our…

Rituals in Buddhism

…relationships to others and to our spiritual life. As actions done with others to share our common values, rituals help create community and mutual support. As a way of being mindful, they can bring a heightened awareness to aspects of…

Right Effort

…happening.” You know, because when we’re paying attention to our minds in meditation, we’re focusing on the breath, a thought comes up and we just let it go, an irritation comes up and we let it go; we are in…


…a more profound sense, the over-arching perspective of calm awareness may show us that having problems may be completely acceptable. We realize that our ability to be whole and complete is not compromised by the problem. In fact, our wholeness…

Going for Refuge

…a life based on spiritual freedom and compassion. It is a commitment that simultaneously energizes us to act in new ways while encouraging a deep relaxation. So many unnecessary things can be let go of when we trust that the…

Year End Letter from Gil Fronsdal

…and IRC. For me, our community is a wonderful expression of the liberation, compassion, and love that the Buddha pointed to. When, years ago, I started teaching at IMC, I never could have imagined teaching in such an inspiring community…

The Benefits of Meditative Seclusion

…also guide the mind toward further freedom from attachments. Wise seclusion is a stepping stone to freedom and a form of freedom in itself. With the help of seclusion, meditation is a path to fuller and fuller experiences of freedom….

Right Speech – Sammā Vācā

…in the sphere of interpersonal communication, a parallel to wisdom in the sphere of private understanding. The two are respectively the outward and inward modalities of the same commitment to what is real. Wisdom consists in the realization of truth,…

Gil’s Upcoming Retreats

…at April 25 to May 1. At Spirit Rock, I am teaching with three wonderful teachers: Tuere Sala, Jozen Gibson, and Amana Brembry-Johnson. More information found on Spirit Rock’s website: October 31-November 7. At Insight Retreat Center with…

Books & Articles

Terms and Conditions for Distribution of Materials We follow the long tradition of offering Dharma teachings freely to all. You may copy or distribute any material on this website, provided it is done free of charge, and this notice is…

Annual Fundraising letter from Gil Fronsdal

…to bring to the world. We hope to support increasingly more people in their practice to ease suffering and find freedom. You can find more information on how to donate by visiting: With gratitude and best wishes, Gil Fronsdal…

The Storms of Spiritual Life

for not doing so only adds to our suffering and hinders the growth of compassion. To evaluate one’s spiritual practice by the presence of joy and ease is often myopic; it overlooks the range of other personal qualities that we…

The Spectrum of Desire

…all too easy to make poor choices. Freedom, that is, free will and the ability to choose wisely, is easily compromised. Craving takes a toll on our bodies when it expresses itself as physical tension. And it can take an…


…that comes from inner balance, come together in mindfulness practice. As mindfulness becomes stronger, so does our equanimity. We see with greater independence and freedom. And, at the same time, equanimity becomes an inner strength that keeps us balanced in…