

IMC has a few policies to help support our community.

Ethical Agreement for Teachers

You can read and download IMC’s Code of Ethics for Teachers here.

Ethics and Reconciliation Council

The Ethics and Reconciliation Council (EAR Council) assists in resolving conflicts that may arise within the IMC community. You can read about the EAR Council and how we handle grievances here. You can contact the EAR Council at IMCEarCouncil@insightmeditationcenter.org.

Copyright (Terms and Conditions of Use)

We follow the long tradition of offering Dharma teachings freely to all.  You may copy or distribute any material on this website, provided it is done free of charge, and this notice is included with all copies:

 Material on this website is licensed with the Creative Commons License “Attribution-Non Commercial No-Derivative Works 4.0” license.

You may copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator or author.

Green Policy

When available and feasible, we will use cleaning and personal products, office supplies, paper products and building materials that are:

  • non-toxic
  • chlorine-free
  • formaldehyde-free
  • dye and scent-free
  • recycled (high post-consumer content)
  • recyclable
  • biodegradable
  • not tested on animals
  • support sustainability and health

We would like to ask sangha members to support our efforts by not donating products to IMC that do not abide by these guidelines and by not wearing scented products at IMC.

Dog Policy

IMC is to be thought of as other buildings that people frequently go to (stores, offices, banks, etc): As a “default,” dogs are not allowed inside. Of course, service dogs are always welcome at IMC.

As some people have difficulty negotiating the steps when a dog is present, we ask that people not leave unattended dogs near the front entrance.

During “non-public” times – when official activities are not scheduled and if it is necessary for a volunteer to come to IMC with their dog – non-service dogs may be brought into IMC under the following conditions:

  • They are kept close to their owners at all times
  • They are not taken into the meditation hall or conference room
  • They are removed if someone with an allergy or discomfort with the dog requests this

Policy for Literature Table (Non-IMC Materials)

The Literature Table for non-IMC events is to the left of the Mahapajapati statue in the Community Hall inside the front door. This area is monitored by an IMC volunteer who has discretion as to the content and arrangement of the material. We ask that everyone who displays literature in this area to keep in mind the following underlying guidelines:

Our intention is for IMC to be a refuge and a place of peace. Therefore, all material, especially political or otherwise opinioned material, requires thoughtfulness regarding whether it is appropriate to be displayed at IMC.

Part of being a peaceful place is to be visually spacious and free of clutter. Toward this end, we do not post things on the walls, or on the upper counter with the statue of Mahapajapati and we keep the flat literature neatly arranged.

How to display

  • All flyers must be brought by hand, not mailed to us. (A few particular exceptions are made for more distant Bay Area sanghas such as Spirit Rock).
  • All flyers for one-time events should be dated in the upper right corner and will be left out for one month. The volunteer responsible for flyers can add the date by hand if one is not included.

What is acceptable

  • Announcements should be related to Buddhism or meditation and for events that are local (except for retreats).
  • One-time, donation-based events are allowed from sangha members (such as retreats, workshops, study-groups, etc.).
  • Ongoing announcements are allowed from other local and recognized sanghas (e.g., San Jose Insight, Insight Meditation South Bay, Insight Santa Cruz, Coastside Vipassana).

What is NOT acceptable

  • No commercial advertising of any kind, such as yoga classes with a fee, psychological services for a fee, business events, etc.
  • No politically divisive, aggressive, or hostile material.

We want IMC to be a refuge and a place of peace. Therefore, political material requires thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Some of the material displayed in the past falls under Engaged Buddhism and may be appropriate, but some has been divisive.

Please display flyers with respect for the many differing opinions within our community.