There is a “lesson” sent out each week for 6 weeks (on Sunday mornings):
- Week 1: Mindfulness of Breath
- Week 2: Mindfulness of Body
- Week 3: Mindfulness of Emotions
- Week 4: Mindfulness of Thinking
- Week 5: Mindfulness of Mind
- Week 6: Mindfulness in Daily Life
Time Commitment: the course is not live, so may be done at any time during the week.
- approximately 2 1/2 hours weekly to: listen to the talk, read the material and consider the questions
- 20-30 minutes weekly for your Teacher Support session: if support is by Phone/Skype/IM, this is scheduled with your support teacher.
- 20-30 minutes for daily meditation
The lesson includes:
- Audio talk – one mp3 download which includes a guided meditation: ~ 1 hr and 20 min.
- Reading material: 30-60 min.
- Questions/reflections to consider. This is flexible, depending on your personal interest and how much time you have available. 30 to 45 min
- Teacher Support is either:
- 5 weekly 20 minute appointment by phone/skype/IM. These appointments are used in whatever way is helpful to you. We often use the questions and reflections as a starting point.
- The teacher support may also be done by email at your own time.
- The course may be “audited”, taken without teacher support.
- Suggested exercises to experiment with during daily life. These are times we practice with mindfulness during our daily activities, so they generally don’t take extra time.
- Daily reflections are sent daily by email. These are meant to clarify certain points, and to support your daily practice.