Year End Letter from Gil Fronsdal

Year End Letter from Gil Fronsdal

Dear Friend of IMC /IRC/Audio Dharma,

Thirty-four years ago a few people began to gather together in Menlo Park on Monday evenings to practice mindfulness meditation and listen to Buddhist teachings. They planted the seed that grew to become IMC. Not only do we now have an active urban meditation center, but we have the Insight Retreat Center, a thriving residential retreat center in Santa Cruz, and also a large “online center” of tens of thousands of people who listen to our talks online through Audio Dharma and other websites.

It is remarkable that these three centers exist entirely due to the generosity of many people. All those who value our teachings, practice in our centers, volunteer, and financially donate to IMC contribute to the field of generosity and goodwill which allows us to continue.

In this annual fundraising letter, I first and foremost want to express my great gratitude to all the people who practice with and support IMC and IRC. For me, our community is a wonderful expression of the liberation, compassion, and love that the Buddha pointed to. When, years ago, I started teaching at IMC, I never could have imagined teaching in such an inspiring community based on the most meaningful values found in Buddhism. Many, many thanks!

The donations we receive in response to this end-of-the-year fundraising letter are a significant means by which we finance our three centers, including new ways to support people’s interest in mindfulness and Buddhist practice. For all forms of support we are deeply appreciative.

May the programs at IMC help address the sufferings of our world and bring Dharma joy to many.

With gratitude and best wishes,

Gil Fronsdal

Donations can be made on the website’s “Donate” page or by sending checks to

IMC,  108 Birch S Redwood City,  CA 94062
